Atheism's occult roots

by NoStonecutters 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    'it wasn't merely associated with revolution in the Soviet Union, for example. It was the driving force behind it.'

    Could be, i guess. It would make an interesting study. If you could put down the basic stuff, that would be interesting.


  • Berengaria

    Wow, nutbaggery squared.

  • John_Mann

    What about nihilism? I'm a nihilist, even if dooog exists nothing would change in the absolute way.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i'm unsure how we can all come out of a cult ferverently believing in god and the bible and after realizeing everything we were taught was absolute shit, not take a good hard look at religion and the concept of god through the ages.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    the explination is a bit more sophisticated here:

    Many of the leading philosophers of the time were Atheists or deists, opposed to the cultural and political hegemony long exercised by the Vatican and its shock troops, the Jesuits. Much of the political, social and literary activity of the Enlightenment was characterized by a repudiation of Christianity, and the formulation of doctrines calling for separation, if not outright abolition, of state and church.

    Like nature, mans' reason had become vitiated by those notorious enemies of humanity — religious superstition, government, socioeconomic rank, poverty and prejudice. Destroy these in an unpheavel of antiauthoritarian wrath, and once again reason would provide a lucid, natural mechanism for apprehending the world and guiding a new human society.

    The Protocols are actually a plagarism of an early tract called Dialogues in the Underworld Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, penned in 1865 by Maurice Jouly as a satire on Napoleon III. The evolution of these Dialogues into the Protocols, with appropriate additions and rewritings is less important here than is the fact that they are, like Taxil's creations, historical forgeries.

    Given human credulity, it is not surprising that the mythology of the Protocols, the revelations of Taxil-Bataille, the fantasies of Barruel and Robison, and other assorted tales about Masonry and Illuminism persist to this very day. Little objective, scholarly work has been done, in this century, on the Illuminists, although there are over 10,000 pieces on Freemasonry. Taxil's satire is still taken seriously by segments of the Christian community such as the Cinema Educational Guild and the Christian Defense League; several popular books in right-wing circles still repeat the more bizarre tales of The Devil in the Nineteenth Century, and claim to link the defunct Order of the Illuminati to events today. More than two centuries after the founding of the Order, there is more fiction than fact to represent its philosophy, its accomplishments, its aspirations and its demise.

    Then here:

  • Satanus

    ' A thorough account of masonic involvement with Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment history has yet to be written. '

    If the op has some concrete stuff, this is a chance for him to produce some of it.


  • Satanus

    Currently, to join fremasonry, theism is a requirment.

    Illuminatti, the illuminated ones, were a subgroup within german freemasonry like about 150 yrs ago. Germany destroyed them as a group.

    Basically, it means someone who has been enlightened. Enlightenement is simply seeing what one really is, in the transcendent sense. I always look forward to meeting these ones. I believe that we have and have had a few here, on the board. Great people, all of them.


  • perfect1
  • Hortensia


    My atheism comes from my learning about the realities of the world and how it developed, from scientific studies of the universe. Nothing masonic or occult about it.

  • NoStonecutters

    Here is the story of how the criminal elite hijacked science and transformed it into a weapon against the masses. This examination includes: (1.) The occult Origins of Darwinism. (2.) Nominalism and radical empiricism as instruments of epistemological manipulation. (3.) Eugenics and population control. (4.) Scientistic cults and religious engineering. (5.) Echelon, PROMIS software, and other technologies of the Panopticon Singularity. (6.) Neoconservativism as a continuation of Technocracy and Jacobinism. (7.) Transhumanism, Singularitarianism, and other futurist variants of the elite's occult religion. (8.) The unfolding endgame between scientific dictatorships.

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