Atheism's occult roots

by NoStonecutters 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Within Masonry were constant splits and tendencies, making it all the more difficult to trace the threads of Atheistic thought. Political and intellectual renegades of every sort, from Atheists to occultists, gravitated toward the lodges. There were the mystical and spiritualist masons of the Rosicrucians, or the followers of the Sweeden-borgian heresy, both of which substituted for orthodox Christianity equally obtuse and absurd hermetic systems. There were lodges where one found somewhat conservative dispositions towards politics and religion, often loyal to the Grand Lodge in London. There were the bored aristocrats who, freed of the onerous task of earning a productive living, dabbled in alchemy, astrology and the search for the elusive Philosopher's Stone.


  • Satanus

    It's easy to copy and paste.


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    ...sure you're not confusing Cult with Occult.......

  • Qcmbr

    History is replete with atheists. Atheism is not an organised group nor is it a belief. No-one is maintaining a simultaneous belief in all gods and the rejection of gods is the default position of all people and the acceptance of one god/set of gods is cultural and egotistic. Moving to confront and reject a peer/culture inculcated god takes many forms. Some genuinely make the transition to full atheism , rejecting their god, many cannot face their ego and recreate their god in their image either joining a new, better fit, faith or abandoning all structure and form and freelancing defining their god as simply their own understanding of love or truth or light depending on what behaviour they wish to justify.

    There may well be some atheists who arrived there via occult paths but its too simplistic and absurd to describe a pretend atheist movement and tie it to a few people. At the risk of offending the sensitive posters I am happy to pour scorn on a ridiculous notion.

  • tootired2care

    “However, Fascism or Marxism, right wing or left - all these are only ideological roads that lead to Aldous Huxley's brave new world [i.e. scientific dictatorship], while the foundation for each of these roads is Darwin's theory of evolution. Fascism is aligned with biological determinism and tends to emphasize the unequal struggle by which those inherently fittest shall rule. Marxism stresses social progress by stages of revolution, while at the same time it paradoxically emphasizes peace and equality. There should be no illusions; Hitler borrowed from Marx. The result is that both Fascism and Marxism finish at the same destiny - totalitarian rule by the elite.” (Taylor, 411)

    It seems to me that history has borne out that the elite have always ruled, especially the priests in the shadows. What does this have to do with Atheism or Science? The term you quoted " scientific dictatorship" makes no sense whatsoever; this is bizarre! The U.S.S.R was a communist dictatorship, that had everything to do with greed for power, and nothing to do with science and Atheism. I know this may be difficult for you to accept, but Atheists in general do care a great deal for their fellow man.

  • Satanus

    There is some interesting stuff there, in those youtubes. Mainly, he is preaching to the choir, though.

    He claims that science is a continuation of the gnostic idea of direct knowledge instead of faith. Could be. Knowledge is better than faith, anyway, don't you think?

    He decries science in it's work of removing the need for faith by demanding or giving proof. He decries the entry of science into govt and society in general, assuming, i guess that religion should be guiding govt and society, instead. Dark ages mentality. We know the tons of benefits that science has wrought in fighting disease, for instance, as well technology. Stonecutters, you should dump your computer and the internet, for they are products of science, not religion. Electricity, too.

    He claims that the british royal society took a position of control of knowledge at the time. Again, that seems like a good idea, given the superstitions and false science that were rife at the time.

    People who have studied evolution know what he claims about its origins. However, not until charles darwin was scientific evidence presented. Not that science matters to you, apparently.

    Basically, i agree w some of what the guy decries. We (me and the guy) agree on some facts, except that i'm for it and he's against it. Guess satan really has me, eh? Guess, he has the scientists, the computer companies, doctors, etc etc, too. Those youtubes have bit of a schizophrenic twist to them, like science is the new boogeyman out to enslave the masses. A-holes often get into positions of power, whether political, scientific, economic or religious. Religion is not imune to corruption. Science however, still has some systems that generally succeed in putting knowledge before personality. Religion is very week in controling corruption, because of it's very nature : FAITH. Faith opens and keeps open the door for corruption.



  • ziddina

    This thread is a......


  • ziddina


    Satanus, I just looked at the OP and - wow...

    But you made excellent points in your post.

    Several people have done an excellent job of refuting this bizarre "conspiracy" theory, on this thread.

    Thanks, people!!

  • Satanus

    Thanks, zid. It's tough digging through that twisted style of reasoning. We used to have a guy here, allan feuerbacher, who could do this stuff for days. He went by alanf -


    Ps, like your screwball;)

  • John_Mann

    ***Historical atheism in the bible:

    The senseless one has said in his heart: “There is no Jehovah.”

    ***Modern antitype atheism:

    The wise one has said to the world:

    "There is no effing Jehovah or something like that".

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