Zeitgeist The Movie

by DATA-DOG 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoStonecutters

    Zeitgeist The Movie is crypto-Theosophical initiation. It externalizes Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical mysticism (which is part of the Illuminati program). See Externalization of the Hierarchy.

    In other words, it creates a good New World Order and a bad New World Order (Hegelian dialectic), without giving you the choice of no New World Order. This is Kabbalism, or witchcraft. The Kabbalah's false dialectic, black vs. white magic, can be seen in the Sephiroth vs. Qlippoth narrative.

    THRIVE is more of the same New Age indoctrination.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Here is another well done documentary about the HORRID scholarship of Zeitgeist:


  • NoStonecutters

    Christ Alone, pseudo scholar Archarya S (Christ Conspiracy) is also heavily involved in the Zeitgeist movement. It's not coincidence that she quotes Blavatsky extensively in her unscholarly attempt to show that the Christ narrative is plagiarized.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Interestingly I see the accusation that Jesus is just based on specific myths ALL the time on this site. Yet, when the "proof" comes out, no one wants to touch this topic. Which myth or myths was Jesus based on? It's easier to just make general broad accusations. But when it gets right down to it....many people that make these declarations are missing from the discussion.

  • Finkelstein

    It would if it had a reliable factual basis. I would stick to actual scholarship than BS.

    Agree with that

    The facts are mostly obscured in this film due to the embellished twisting of known facts,

    outside of it is where you can see familiarities and similarities in ancient theology.

    An embellished pseudo documentary constructed more to appeal to adverse commercialism in mind.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Data Dog: Let me know what you think about that final video I posted. I'm watching it again and it really does a good job in taking all credibility away from Zeitgeist...

  • Nice_Dream



    Will do asap.

  • mP


    The very first comparison between Christ and all the other god-myths... is that they share a December 25th birthday. That is false on all accounts, and as a former jw, everyone here knows this, especially as pertains to Christ. And if the makers of this have to resort to false comparisons to make their case, then they do not have a case to begin with. Bad research or simple dishonest, to promote their agenda.


    Can you explain how the church so easily adopted this birthday if it was sooo wrong in the 300s ?

    WHy does Josephus tell us taht the 12 tribes of israel are the same as the the zodiac ?

    As Josephus says (Antiquities, 3.8 ): "And for the twelve stones, whether we understand by them the months or whether we understand the like number of the signs of that circle which the Greeks call the zodiac, we shall not be mistaken in their meaning." (Josephus, 75.)

    Earlier than Josephus, Philo ("On the Life of Moses," 12) had made the same comments regarding Moses: "Then the twelve stones on the breast, which are not like one another in colour, and which are divided into four rows of three stones in each, what else can they be emblems of, except of the circle of the zodiac?" (Philo, 99.)


    The first century Jewish historian Josephus proclaimed a connection between the twelve stones in Aaron's breastplate , the twelve months of the year and the twelve signs of the zodiac. [1] Translations and interpretations of the passage in Exodus regarding the breastplate have varied widely, however, with Josephus himself giving two different lists for the twelve stones [2] (Kunz argues that Josephus saw the breastplate of the Second Temple, not the one described in Exodus). [3] St. Jerome , referencing Josephus, said the Foundation Stones of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:19–20) would be appropriate for Christians to use. [4

    He also tells us that many of the other 12s in the jewish religion are the zodiac. The temple in Jerusalem points east.

    Jesus own local synogogue close to his home in nazareth has a zodiac in it.

    Zodiac Wheel Mosaic in the great synagogue of Tzippori, 5th century http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzippori

    Tzippori (Hebrew: ?????????, ?????? ‎‎), also known as Sepphoris, Dioceserea and Saffuriya (Arabic: ?????? ‎, also transliterated Safurriya and Suffurriye) is located in the central Galilee region, 6 kilometers (3.7 mi) north-northwest of Nazareth, in modern-day Israel. [1] The site holds a rich and diverse historical and architectural legacy that includes Assyrian, Hellenistic, Judean, Babylonian, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, Crusader, Arabic and Ottoman influences.

    Interest on the part of Biblical archaeologists is related to the belief in Christian tradition that the parents of the Virgin Mary, Anna and Joachim, were natives of Tzippori, at the time a Hellenized town. [2] Notable structures at the site include a Roman theater, two early Christian churches, a Crusader fortress that was renovated by Daher El-Omar in the 18th century, and upwards of forty different mosaics. [2]


  • mP


    Jewish worship was all about nature, passover = spring equinox, roshashana = autumn equinox.

    R is of course about judgement, which matches Libra the scales of judgement. Spring time is deliverance from the cold winter.. its not hard to examine the other festivals and notice a zodiacal influence

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