REALITY may not be what you think

by Terry 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    When I was in the Kingdom Hall every week I never gave a moment's thought to a different reality than the one I assumed I was living.

    All these years later I look back at myself and shake my head. I wasted so much time, so much youth and energy. I squandered my "convictions" on


    It is my fault, too.

    If I hadn't been a JW in the Pre-Internet years I could have easily investigated thoroughly and discovered what nonsense it all was.

    But, there was no Internet until almost 20 years later.

    I had no idea.

  • LV101

    Another excellent article, Terry. I'd love to copy and send to witnesses.

    If only.

  • insearchoftruth4

    Bro Terry, I totally understand how you feel man, you are not alone. We all got suckered and it pisses us off. In the early mid seventys info was limited, but now that we know, lets get on with life and not give up because God is the Ultimate Reality....... Peace

  • d

    This is true.After I left the Jw's I had asked myself "Is their any truth in a world of Lies? I found out their is no truth you have to came up with your own type of philosphy which is truly a hard thing to do.

  • Terry

    Reality doesn't require you to know anything.

    But, avoiding knowing what is important can destroy you.

    If you can't swim and you go wading in a lake with an average depth of 4 feet reality can kill you.

    Why? The average depth doesn't account for that sudden small drop that is 9 feet deep!!

    A glass of water that is 99% pure looks very thirst quenching. But 1% of deadly poison is what is going to take you to the morgue!

    We rely on what we KNOW to keep us safe and secure.

    Life experience demonstrates that what we almost know is not the same as reality.

    A contract can have a sentence that takes away most of what the rest of the paragraphs and clauses seem to bestow.

    A 3 thousand year old holy book can be loved and taken to heart by christians everywhere...but...the small details of history make it

    very untrustworthy to rely on with absolute confidence.

    We have to reach for reality.

    We must search the details.

    Our life and our well-being depend on those tiny excruciating details!

  • Satanus

    It seems that apprehending the big picture of reality is just as important as the little pic of reality. A person who always stays in the little pic only is very likely deluded as to reality.


  • Satanus

    However, seeing the reality of oneself is the key first step. If one has not truly come to know what he/she him/herself is, one will forever be hobbled in knowing all other things. Reality about oneself is the starting point, imo. There is no liar like the person who lies to himself, or comes to believe his own lies.


  • Finkelstein

    This makes members of this religion unwitting criminals with zero personal integrity.


    Thats because the WTS. is and always will be a commercialized fraud posing itself something

    which it truthfully never was or will be.

    Being spirituality strong in faith is being dismissive toward reality in many occurring ways.

  • frankiespeakin

    Reality is never what you think it is, our senses are just measuring devices of which we get a picture or the world manufactered by symbolisms the psyche uses such as sound tones, light colors, smells,konks on the head etc...

    I guess we can call it, the physical world of our senses, physical reality in the classical sense. The human mind projects so much inward signals to be viewed as the outside world I would call it a "physical consenses reality"

    Being so much of what we see the world as is a reflection of our own inner projections definately not what you think it is in 99.99999999% of the cases.

  • Terry

    Reality is never what you think it is, our senses are just measuring devices of which we get a picture or the world manufactered by symbolisms the psyche uses such as sound tones, light colors, smells,konks on the head etc...

    Technology, computing, mathematics, science and sending robots to Mars are pretty good evidence that our grasp of reality is astoundingly accurate.

    When it comes to personal preferences, judgement, religion, etc. Not so good!!

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