My country is sick

by sabastious 119 Replies latest social current

  • NewChapter

    True, basic education (K-12) is absolutely necessary and should be covered by everyone who can contribute, but where do you set the limit to all the freebies that the citizenry has come to expect from big brother. Common sense dictates that you acquire the goods and services that you can afford, no more. The American citizenry has gone way over budget and has burden generations to come. That's immoral.

    So is this a post against Pell grants and student loans? Do you not believe that there is a huge return for such investments? Are you happy with a country where only the well-off can afford a college education, thereby forcing entire segments into generational poverty? Do you think that financial aid is what got us into this mess? How do you think we will do when the bottom 47% no longer has the opportunity to get more education? Will that make us a better society, or will it just make us more vulnerable to the top 1% that will use us for the menial tasks and pay us whatever, because we will have no leverage.

    I don't like your America. Apparently, enough of us don't like your America, because they chose Obama.

  • ohiocowboy

    Just like I said yesterday, we had a choice of someone like Herman Cain who saw the problems of both parties and wanted to work for a change but no one even bothered to consider him.

    Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is calling for the creation of a third political party — saying it is clear to him that neither major political party is willing to address the nation’s economic problems.

  • Glander

    Thanks for that link, Ohio. This is interesting.

  • BizzyBee
    He ain't done crap for the Gay demographic.

    I repeat, Ohio cowboy, 'cause I am genuinely curious:

    Really? What more would you suggest the federal government do on behalf of the gay demographic?

  • Glander

    The usual in your face conversation stopper. Give it a rest.

  • LV101

    I agree with you Sabastious -- you are right on the money.

    The exaggeration in some of these posts is over the top about Romney and he would not have been my pick -- too bad individuals can't watch more than one TV channel.

    The smear campaign on Romney was ugly and I cannot respect Obama for that but he is the Pres and let's hope he proves himself and does what's really best for the country and people. All we need.

  • LV101

    TOo much view on one channel -- Romney was never for rounding/hunting down the illegals for deportation --- just the criminals. Ahhh, imagine that. Like any of them would bother doing that.

  • LV101

    The conservatives I know are adamant about higher education and encourage/support (even financially) everyone they possibly can. We must live in separate worlds! You can't believe how important male members of conservatism feel about this (the ones I know, anyway) because they witness too many women having to support/be responsible for their children all on their own and feel it's critical a female have as much education as possible (at least those in the legal community). Of course they feel males need higher education, also. One cannot have enough. How many decades have student loans been available -- like since the dark ages! Higher ed is not for everyone and many can do quite well for themselves but it's good insurance to have it in your life.

  • blindnomore

    Your country is sick in your persepective.

    Most of my siblings got to see, in their dream, what a Middle School (Junior High) looks like in my native Country, South Korea, due to poverty.

    K-12 grades is all paid for in the US.

    You have early collegy programs that are free.

    You have a welfare system

    You have a freedom of speech.

    What you have are what me and my siblings only could/can dream of.

  • Berengaria

    LV, you sound like a Fox News Pundit. Talking points and misinformation. Pick an issue and make some sense.

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