The sickness that you are seeing isn't new. It's been there for a LONG time. Most of us, when we exit the wt, we wake up to the real world. For many, they want to learn all about it. That's when they start discovering things like the sickness that you describe. However, MORE study is necesary. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Instaed of getting influence for the public medias, which feeds you the news product of the moment, which's shelf life is limited, change the sources of your news, info. The public news is much like an egg beater that is stuck into the awareneses of people, it disturbs their thinking.
The internet also has a lot of propaganda. However, it also has a LOT of truth. And, you can decide for yourself what is worthy and what is not. There is also a learning curve involved in learning the judge what is valuable and what is trash on the internet. As well books, as already mentioned.