My country is sick

by sabastious 119 Replies latest social current

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    NC, BizzyBee and other social progressives, how can you tolerate the mad rantings of the White Racists, "Women stay at home barefoot, naked and pregnant" Republicons and their rhetoric?

    Did you see the Arkansas Judge who road his horse to the polls in great pomp and fanfare? Rick Perry, Rick Santariums are no longer going to win the Presidential Office, racists, pseudo-Bible thumping fake christians are the party of the past. Two miles from my house a redneck as a sign in front of his house "Put the White back in the White House" with his Confederate Flag. He has written to the editor complaining of the hate phone calls, hate mail, and tagging on his property. Why are Americans so intolerate of radical T-bagger racists?

  • never a jw
    never a jw
    *gasp* Yes, educating our citizens can never lead to any good. Especially when we educate the poor, who could not afford to pay for private schools. DISASTER! No collective good can come of that!
    Do people think before they post, or is this really the bubble they live in?

    New chapter. Your vitriol suggests that you don't forget. One more time I apologize for past offenses. I hope you bury the hatchet soon.

    True, basic education (K-12) is absolutely necessary and should be covered by everyone who can contribute, but where do you set the limit to all the freebies that the citizenry has come to expect from big brother. Common sense dictates that you acquire the goods and services that you can afford, no more. The American citizenry has gone way over budget and has burden generations to come. That's immoral.

    By the way, I do live in a figurative bubble. Almost everyone around me owe their house, or their cars, or have credit cards maxed out, or are not prepared for retirement, or have to borrow for their children's higher education. Not I. I have zero debt and don't expect to have any until the day I die. I am not rich, but I live by a philosophy of self sufficiency and personal responsibility. I suppose in the U.S. that makes me weird, strange, a bubble dweller.

  • Pterist

    **** My country fell*****

    Christians are awaiting an eternal city not of this world.

    Its pretty obvious To most, over the past 4 years of abuse of the fillibuster, and one agenda to get rid of one man at the expenses of driving America off a cliff whom has this earthly America's back....It is Not the General Obstruction Party of NO !

  • Berengaria
    New chapter. Your vitriol suggests that you don't forget. One more time I apologize for past offenses. I hope you bury the hatchet soon.
    True, basic education (K-12) is absolutely necessary and should be covered by everyone who can contribute, but where do you set the limit to all the freebies that the citizenry has come to expect from big brother. Common sense dictates that you acquire the goods and services that you can afford, no more. The American citizenry has gone way over budget and has burden generations to come. That's immoral.
    By the way, I do live in a figurative bubble. Almost everyone around me owe their house, or their cars, or have credit cards maxed out, or are not prepared for retirement, or have to borrow for their children's higher education. Not I. I have zero debt and don't expect to have any until the day I die. I am not rich, but I live by a philosophy of self sufficiency and personal responsibility. I suppose in the U.S. that makes me weird, strange, a bubble dweller.


  • elderelite

    the education question is interesting.... its standard to go k-12 as things are constituted today and that basic level is provided by public schools, free to all. SHould higher levels be available free? How far? College may not be the best way for all... perhpas a trade school? The better educated the majority the better for us all

  • NewChapter

    New chapter. Your vitriol suggests that you don't forget. One more time I apologize for past offenses. I hope you bury the hatchet soon.

    LOL---Never---Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I do not know what you are referring to. We must have had a run-in at some point (I'm assuming) but I cannot remember it. What was it about?

    I'm sorry. I'm giggling because I absolutely did forget, but apparently you have not. If you direct me, I'll look it over and decide whether I'd like to forget it again.

  • ziddina
    "... The better educated the majority the better for us all..." ElderElite, page 4

    And that's the key.

    A well-educated American populace would be more employable, earn better wages, and probably would reverse the "job drain" that's been happening here over the last 30 years.

    If we could improve the education of American children regarding civics and political processes, that would be additionally beneficial.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    The thought of a better educated American populace probably irritates the hell out of certain segments within conservative circles. You're talking about the potential elimination of certain status quos. Sorry, but we cant have that because there are too many uppity (insert whatever demographic "certain" conservatives feel are a threat to their way of life here) right now and one of them just got a second term as president.

  • ziddina

    Yes, certain people who feel "privileged", also feel threatened if "others" begin to catch up to their special, ostentatious standard of living.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile
    Frankly, Obama frightens me. He will cater to a specific demographic, like gays or blacks for instance, because they help his campaign and then will largely ignore them while president.

    How has Obama ignored gay or black people?

    Do you feel that Romney pandered to certain demographics this election?

    I personally feel that they both pandered; unfortunately that's a byproduct of politics.

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