Greetings! From an Existent JW!

by Ethos 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • notjustyet

    Hi Ethos,.

    I just wanted to know if you were aware of Russell believing that 1874 was the actual year that Jesus came back invisibly and 1914 was originally thought to the end of all human governments?

    Also, again, be sure to check out and also another great site in addition to this one is

    I can't wait to see what you think about the things that you will learn about while hear, in other words, how far can your cognitive dissonance go before you either flee, or accept what we have had to swallow to lose the dissonance.


  • lisaBObeesa
    While I'm would be cool to read some of your blogs,

    Love is Kind. (1 Cor 13:4)

    Shunning is not.

  • notjustyet

    Left in the cold.

    I could not find "Combatting Cult Mind Control" in the KOBO site anywhere.

    Would it be possible to show me where it is?


  • tornapart

    Welcome Ethos...This is a must read for any JW.. especially one that has no problems reading apostate websites... If you want to know what goes on behind closed doors with the GB......

  • panhandlegirl
    panhandlegirl I believe this is the link I was referring to. If you find yoursel with a lot of time for reading and research, there are some excellent essays on this site.


  • problemaddict


    Welcome. I just started up a couple days ago. I think there is much good to be had by healthy respectful debate. Many here wouldn't agree for various reasons, and I can understand why. Many people have been very hurt by mistreatment, so try to be understanding of that persspective.

    That being said, lets talk. Start a thread. :) Blood is my big issue. I simply cannot see any justification for this to be a matter someone would be disfellowshipped for. I think it has to be a conscience matter by the very definition of what that means.

    I also still go to meetings for the sake of family and friends. I for the most part, have been dealt with fairly by people in my life that have sincerely cared about me. Yet I have also had run ins with the Pharisees of our time.

  • Ethos

    Thank you everyone for the warmth and love my way. I love discussing the blood issue as well. Id also love to start a new discussion but my posting is restricted. My new thread should be up late tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Sorry.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Ethos, welcome!

    By the way, did you know a user named Recovery? He said that he was getting a bunch of current JWs together to begin posting on this site. That was just a few weeks ago, and now here you are! Just wanted to know if you were one of the ones that he sent this way.

  • yknot

    Looking forward to more of your thoughts!!!!

    Glad you joined!!!

    How do you feel about yourself being part (or becoming more part) of the growing 'conscious class' within the WTS?

    ~huggles Sister Yknot

  • Londo111


    I am glad you are here. Unfortunately, i f this became known to your elder body, you would face sanction of some nature.

    I believe true Christian unity is based on love, not total agreement on all issues. (Colossians 3:14) However, if you see what was said during the testimony at the Walsh trial, a Witness would have to accept even a false prophesy to maintain ‘unity at all costs’. A Witness has to support a teaching even when they know it to be incorrect. (1 Corinthians 13:6; John 4:24)

    In regard disfellowshipping and the subsequent complete disconnection from friends and family for disagreeing with one or many of the doctrines, I would like to contrast this to what I have found in mainstream Christian denominations, based on my observations of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the United Methodists, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

    In mainstream Christian denominations, there is unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and in all things love. The only essential is belief in Christ. Within a mainline church, there is a plurality of viewpoints and people have the freedom to express them. (Romans 14) Nobody is expelled or shunned for believing or expressing them, to congregation members, even to the elders or pastor. (3 John 10) If a person chooses to leave that church or denomination, they are not shunned. A person does not have to go against their conscience or agree anything they believe to be incorrect.

    In each of these seven churches I’ve went to observe, I found Christian love to be very operative. (John 13:35) There are very friendly and loving people on par or even exceeding what I’ve observed in a Kingdom Hall. More than that, they do not condemn people of other denominations. They recognize other groups as equally Christian as they. They do good and practical works on behalf on the community without “counting their time”. (James 1:27; Matthew 25:34-45)

    People in mainline denominations can read whatever information their conscience allows. Nobody is warned against former members or websites or books. There is no information control. To my knowledge, there is no board like this for former Methodists, Disciples of Christs, Evangelical Lutherans, ect--not anything like there are for former JWs, Mormons, and Scientologists.

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