Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-11-2012 WT Study (SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, pages )(LEARN PATIENCE)
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“Consider the patience
of our Lord as salvation.”—
2 PET. 3:15.
In this article there are at least 31 references to patience or some form of that word. Even in the Theocratic School repetition for emphasis is 3 times. The rank and file are getting restless. As the generation of 1975 dies off, more and more wonder about the perceived promise of the WTS that they would live into the new system, never dying. Do you have relatives or jws you know that believe that who are approaching 70 or 80 and are facing death soon?
*** w90 5/1 p.28par.19***
Thus, people who today exercise faith in God and in his Son have the thrilling hope of surviving this system’s end and continuing alive into God’s new world—never dying at all!
*** w83 7/1 p.23 par.21***
Unquestionably, so late in this “time of the end” since the end of the Gentile Times in 1914, there are many live men and women of faith and integrity who will never die off the face of the earth, God’s footstool. What an unusual opportunity lies ahead of them! Because of never dying and being buried, they will need no resurrection of the dead during the thousand-year-long reign of Jesus Christ.
How has Jehovah shown that he is patient?
Why has Jesus had to be patient for a long time?
What steps can we take to strengthen godly patience?
1. What do some faithful ones wonder about?
A FAITHFUL sister who endured many challenges
throughout several decades humbly
asked, “Will I see the end before I die?”
Some who have long served Jehovah wonder about
the same thing. We yearn for the day when God
makes all things new, removing the problems we
now face. (Rev. 21:5) Though we have ample reason
for believing that the end of Satan’s system is very
near, it can be difficult to wait patiently for that day.
My mother and her family were such “faithful ones” all dead now after waiting 60 years to enter the new system without ever dying. I wonder what went through their minds as they breathed their last, as their contemporaries watched them breath their last hoping the end would come before they died?
2. What questions about godly patience will we consider?
2 Yet, the Bible shows that we must have patience.
Like God’s servants before us, we will receive what
God has promised if we have strong faith and wait
patiently for his time to fulfill those promises. (Read
Hebrews 6:11, 12.) Jehovah himself has been patient.
He could have put an end to wickedness at any
time, but he is waiting for the right time. (Rom. 9:
20-24) Why is he so patient? How has Jesus been an
example of godly patience? What benefits will come
to us if we cultivate godly patience? The answers to
these questions can help us to build patience and
strong faith, even if it might seem to us that Jehovah
is delaying.
God’s servants = only members of the WTS since 1879
God can be patient, 6,000 years of human history (WTS interpretation) has only been 6 days for him.
Humans = 1,000 years = 1,000 years
God = 1,000 years = 1 day
(2 Peter3:8,9) 8 However, let this one fact not be escaping YOUR notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. 9 Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.
And per the WTS Jesus lived for millions of years with God in heaven, so he has a similar perspective very different from humans.
3, 4. (a) Why has Jehovah shown patience in carrying out
his purpose for the earth? (b) How did Jehovah respond to the
rebellion in Eden?
3 Jehovah has good reason for showing patience.
It is true that he holds ultimate authority over the
universe at all times; still, the rebellion in Eden
raised questions of universal importance. Jehovah
has been patient, knowing that it would take time to
answer those questions perfectly. Having thorough
knowledge of the deeds and attitudes of
individuals in heaven and on earth, he
certainly is acting in our best interests.
—Heb. 4:13.
Where in the Bible is universal sovereignty mentioned? The WTS has to insert the words in the footnotes.
Messiah came in 29 C.E.
Jesus came again in (1874) 1914
What’s left to answer; according to the WTS the human race is on borrowed time as well as Satan and demons. It is been (138) 98 years since the questions have been answered. Even Noah was only told 50 years before the Flood. (though God pronounced the end 120 years before the flood).
4 It was Jehovah’s purpose that the
descendants of Adam and Eve fill the
earth. When Satan seduced Eve and
then Adam disobeyed, God did not
abandon his purpose. He did not panic,
make hasty decisions, or overreact,
giving up on the human family. Instead,
he conceived a way to accomplish what
he purposed for humans and for planet
Earth. (Isa. 55:11) To fulfill his purpose
and vindicate his sovereignty, Jehovah
has exercised great self-control and patience,
even waiting thousands of years
for some aspects of his purpose to work
out the best way.
So Eve did not disobey?
So is the WTS saying that God is capable of panicking, making hasty decisions, overreacting, giving up?
So while God has waited 6 days, the human race has been waiting 6,000 years dying short, diseased lives.
5. Jehovah’s patience allows for what blessing?
5 Another reason why Jehovah has
waited patiently is so that more people
can have everlasting life. Right now,
he is making preparations to save “a
great crowd.” (Rev. 7:9, 14; 14:6) Jehovah
reaches out to people by means of our
preaching work, inviting them to learn
about his Kingdom and his righteous
standards. The Kingdom message is the
best possible news for humankind—yes,
it is “good news.” (Matt. 24:14) Each person
whom Jehovah draws becomes part
of a worldwide congregation of genuine
friends who love what is right. (John 6:
44-47) Our loving God helps such ones
to gain his approval. He has also been
selecting from among humankind prospective
members of his heavenly government.
Upon gaining their heavenly
position, these devoted ones will help
obedient humans to reach perfection
and endless life. Clearly, even while he
is patiently waiting, Jehovah has been
working to fulfill his promises—for our
So if he has been giving more people a chance at everlasting life, why stop now and give more people a chance. The WTS says that God is not going to give these people a chance as individuals, that some will die eternally without having a personal witness, including children.
*** w10 9/15 p.10 par.12***
We recognize that the end could come at any time; Jehovah’s timing is not contingent on our giving a personal witness to every individual on the planet. (Matt. 10:23)
*** w00 1/15 p.13 par.17***
True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.
Remember though that these “anointed” who go to heaven after resurrection as an immortal spirit become perfect immediately and don’t have to wait 1,000 years and pass the “final test.” Are they special somehow?
6. (a) In what sense did Jehovah show patience
in Noah’s day? (b) How is Jehovah showing
patience in our day?
6 Jehovah is patient despite extreme
provocation, as we can see from the
way he dealt with wickedness before the
Flood. The earth was then filled with immorality
and violence, and Jehovah was
“hurt at his heart” because of the degenerate
condition of man. (Gen. 6:2-8)
He would not tolerate that situation forever,
so he determined to bring a flood
upon disobedient mankind. While “the
patience of God was waiting in Noah’s
days,” Jehovah made preparations to
save Noah and his family. (1 Pet. 3:20) At
the appropriate time, Jehovah informed
Noah of this decision and assigned him
to build an ark. (Gen. 6:14-22) In addition,
Noah was “a preacher of righteousness,”
telling his neighbors of the impending
destruction. (2 Pet. 2:5) Jesus
said that our time is similar to the days
of Noah. Jehovah has decided when he
will bring this wicked system to an end.
No human knows the “day and hour”
when that will come. (Matt. 24:36) At
this time, we have the God-given work
of warning people and telling them how
they can be saved.
So how patient has God been?
Destroyed all humans living (except 8) at the Flood, eternally.
Destroyed all humans living in Sodom & Gomorrah, eternally except for 3. Did Lot and his family “preach” to them first?
Destroyed 1,100,000 Jews in 70 C.E. (fortunately they have a hope of being resurrected)
The WTS talks around the real issue, the destruction of this wicked system means the eternal destruction of all non-jw humans, men, women, and children even if they have not had a personal witness.
While the WTS says no human knows the DAY and the HOUR, they have named YEARS: 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975….
7. Is Jehovah slow to fulfill his promises? Explain.
7 Clearly, Jehovah’s patience does not
mean that he is simply waiting for time
to pass. No, we should never confuse his
patience with inattentiveness or apathy!
Realistically, though, it can be challenging
to keep this in mind as we grow older
or suffer in this wicked system. We
might become discouraged or feel that
God is slow to fulfill his promises. (Heb.
10:36) Never forget that he has good
reasons for being patient and that he is
employing the intervening time for the
benefit of his loyal servants. (2 Pet. 2:3;
3:9) Consider, too, how Jesus exercised
godly patience.
Does God care about individuals? Ever read the phrase “as a group”?
*** w11 11/15 p.4 par.5***
Yet, God’s people as a group will survive because they are taking refuge in Jehovah.
*** w09 3/15 p.26 par.8***
Because of obeying such commands, God’s servants on earth today now number some seven million. Who can deny that his people have become “mighty in the earth”? (John 10:16; Rev. 7:9, 14) And how “blessed” they will yet be as God carries out his purpose! As a group, those with an earthly hope will be preserved through the coming “great tribulation” to form “a new earth” in which “righteousness is to dwell.”
8. Under what circumstances did Jesus show
8 Jesus is doing the will of God and
has eagerly done so for untold millenniums.
When Satan rebelled, Jehovah
decided that his only-begotten Son
would come to earth as the Messiah.
Think of what that meant for Jesus—patiently
waiting thousands of years till
the time had come. (Read Galatians
4:4.) He was not passively waiting all
that time; rather, he was occupied with
the work that his Father assigned him.
When he eventually came to earth, he
knew that he would have to die at the
hands of Satan, as prophesied. (Gen. 3:
15; Matt. 16:21) He patiently submitted
to God’s will, though this meant suffering
agonizing pain. His was loyalty of
the highest kind. He was not focusing
on himself and his position, and we can
benefit from that.—Heb. 5:8, 9.
Remember though that it has been like 6 days to Jesus, not like 6,000 years to humans, and Jesus except for 29 years was in the loop in heaven and on earth. After Jesus went back to heaven, what was he doing, no kingdom until 1874 or 1914. So for a few hours his last day on earth he went through agonizing pain. I had a friend die this month after 2 years of agonizing pain.
9, 10. (a) What has Jesus been doing while
patiently waiting for Jehovah to act? (b) How
should we view Jehovah’s timetable?
9 After his resurrection, Jesus received
authority in heaven and on earth. (Matt.
28:18) He uses that authority to accomplish
Jehovah’s purpose according to the
timetable God has set. Jesus patiently
waited at God’s right hand until 1914 for
his enemies to be placed as a stool for
his feet. (Ps. 110:1, 2; Heb. 10:12, 13) He
soon will go into action to bring an end
to Satan’s system. Meanwhile, Jesus patiently
works with people and leads
them to “waters of life.”—Rev. 7:17.
Did Jesus exercise his authority over all humans or just his followers per the WTS?
33 C.E. to 1914 (1874) = 1881 years, about 2 “days” he waited
SOON = 1874 (1914) to 2012 = 98 to 138 years
Satan’s system = all 7 plus billions non-jw humans, men, women and children, dead eternally
10 Do you see in Jesus’ example the
way you should view Jehovah’s timetable?
Jesus was no doubt eager to do
whatever his Father asked of him; still,
he was willing to wait for God’s time. As
we await the end of Satan’s wicked system,
we all need godly patience, never
running ahead of God or giving up because
we are discouraged. What can we
do to build such godly patience?
Jesus was eager to do what God asked of him, not what the imperfect religious elders asked of him.
Mark 3:1-6/ New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
3 Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.” Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” But they remained silent. He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.
Matthew 12:9-14
[The Sabbath was Saturday, that is, the 7th day of the week. When God made the world, he rested on the Sabbath. And God's law says that we should not work on the Sabbath.]
Jesus went into a *synagogue. Some *Pharisees were with him. They wanted to see what he would do. They hoped that they could accuse him. There was a man there with a hand that he could not use. Some writers have guessed that he was a stonemason. [A stonemason cuts and shapes stones for building. He needs to be able to use both hands.] This man could not work. He had to ask other people for money. Jesus felt love and sympathy for the man. But these *Pharisees did not care about the man. They believed that to cure someone was ‘work’. The *Pharisees thought they would be able to accuse Jesus now. Jesus knew their thoughts. So, he spoke to them.
Matthew 12:11 He said to them, “Let us suppose that one of you has a sheep. The sheep falls into a deep hole in the ground on the Sabbath day. You would rescue that sheep. A man is much more important than a sheep! So, it is right to do something good on the Sabbath day.”
Jesus then told the man to stand in front of everyone. He told him to lift his hand. When the man did this, his hand was immediately healthy. It was just like his other hand.
End of Satan’s wicked system = the permanent death of 7 plus billion non-jws, men, women and children.
How many times has the WTS run ahead of God?
1874—presence of Jesus or 1914
1914—the end or the beginning of Jesus ruling
1925—indisputable facts that the end would come, the ancient worthies resurrected a perfect men to rule in Jerusalem
11. (a) In what way is there a connection between
faith and patience? (b) Why do we have
valid reasons for having strong faith?
11 Before Jesus came to earth, the
prophets and other faithful servants set
an example of how even imperfect humans
can endure patiently. There was a
direct link between their faith and their
patience. (Read James 5:10, 11.) If they
did not truly believe what Jehovah had
told them—if they lacked faith—would
they have waited patiently for the fulfillment
of his promises? Time and again, they met
frightening or challenging
tests of faith, confident that God
would eventually do what he had promised.
(Heb. 11:13, 35-40) We have even
more reason for having solid faith, for Jesus
now serves as the “Perfecter of our
faith.” (Heb. 12:2) He fulfilled prophecy
and revealed God’s purposes in a way
that gives us valid reasons for having
Endure patiently = but were they told the end would come in their lifetime?
So do we have any more visual evidence about Jesus than Abraham did; rather Abraham conversed directly with God one on one, have you, does the WTS suggest we can?
12. What might we do to build our faith?
12 What practical steps can we take
to strengthen our faith, building up our
patience? It is key that we apply God’s
counsel. For instance, reflect on reasons
that you have for putting the Kingdom
first in your life. Can you put
forth increased effort to apply the counsel
found at Matthew 6:33? That might
mean spending more time in the ministry
or adjusting some aspects of your
lifestyle. Do not overlook how Jehovah
has blessed your efforts up till now. He
might have enabled you to conduct a
new Bible study or helped you to receive
“the peace of God that excels all
thought.” (Read Philippians 4:7.) As you
thus focus on benefits that you personally
have received from following Jehovah’s
instructions, you will increase
your appreciation for patience.—Ps.
So what were the reasons you put the Kingdom first…be specific?
Why does the WTS concentrate on more hours rather than being more effective in presentation, truly caring that the people you talk too are facing eternal destruction?
Adjust lifestyle, sell house, rent a shack, dumpster diving, goodwill clothing, leeching off jws with cars, no vacations except conventions, no car insurance, no health insurance, no children, save money folks.
Following God’s instructions or humans on the GB interpretations?
13. How might we illustrate the process of
building faith and patience?
13 This process is similar to the cycle
in the natural world of sowing, cultivating,
and reaping. Each time a farmer
reaps bountifully, he becomes more confident
about sowing seed the next season.
Of course, he then will have to wait
patiently for the harvest, but that will
not hold him back from planting seed,
perhaps even sowing seed in more fields
than he did the season before. He trusts
that he will reap. Similarly, as we repeat
this cycle of learning Jehovah’s counsel,
following it, and then reaping the benefits,
our trust in Jehovah grows. Our
faith likewise grows, and it becomes
easier to wait for the blessings we know
will come.—Read James 5:7, 8.
So how many jws even plant a little garden, let alone have time to waste on being farmers. And you don’t have to wait 138 years to reap from a garden.
14, 15. We need to have what view of human
14 Another way to develop patience is
by considering how we should view the
world and our personal circumstances.
Try to look at matters as Jehovah does.
For example, think about how he views
human suffering. He has long been
pained when humans suffer; yet, he has
not been overcome with grief, incapable
of doing good. He sent his only-begotten
Godly patience will help you to focus on
Kingdom interests and reap blessings!
Son “to break up the works of the Devil”
and undo all the damage Satan has
brought upon humans. (1 John 3:8) In
reality, the suffering will prove to have
been temporary, but God’s solution is
eternal. Similarly, instead of letting
ourselves become overwhelmed by the
present wickedness of Satan’s rule or
impatient about when it will end, let us
put faith in the unseen things that will
last forever. Jehovah has set a specific
limit for wickedness, and he will act
right on time.—Isa. 46:13; Nah. 1:9.
How does God view human suffering? Why does he allow those in charge in jw congregations to conceal child sexual abusers? Does God feel physical pain? Is having your child operated on the same as giving them to an abuser to be raped?
Hasn’t the WTS given jws false hopes over and over that they will see the end in their lifetime, a “privilege” no other humans will experience?
15 During these difficult final days of
this system of things, we may experience
special challenges to our faith. Instead
of responding angrily if we become
victims of violence or when our
loved ones suffer, we need to be resolved
to trust completely in Jehovah. We are
imperfect, so it is not easy to do that. Recall,
though, what Jesus did, as recorded
at Matthew 26:39.—Read.
Jws are angry because of the harm, pain, jws cause their own members. Can the trust or believe that God supports their actions. In the days of Israel when the religious elders of that time were having the faithful toss their children in the fire, did that inspire trust in God?
16. We need to avoid doing what during the
time that remains?
16 Something that interferes with our
manifesting godly patience is a wait-and-
see attitude. What does that mean?
Well, a person who lacks confidence
that the end is near might start to make
alternate arrangements, so to speak, in
case things do not work out as Jehovah
said they would. In other words, he
might be thinking, ‘I will wait and see
if Jehovah really is true to his word.’
He might then try to make a name for
himself in this world, to seek financial
security instead of putting God’s Kingdom
first, or to trust in higher education
to secure a comfortable life now. Really,
though, would that not be evidence of a
lack of faith? Remember that Paul urged
us to become imitators of those faithful
ones who received promises from Jehovah
“through faith and patience.” (Heb.
6:12) Jehovah will not allow this wicked
system to exist any longer than is absolutely
necessary according to his purpose.
(Hab. 2:3) In the interim, we must
avoid just going through the motions of
serving Jehovah. Rather, we need to remain
alert and work diligently at preaching
the good news, which is a source
of incomparable satisfaction even now.
—Luke 21:36.
What are alternate arrangements…live inside instead of on the street, is that financial security? What is higher education, what is too much…how many of the writers of this article have to worry about employment to supply housing, food, clothing, medical services?
So even the WTS sees that jws are only doing things to be seen by humans not God. How many Bethelites or GB members put the preaching work first, talking to individuals, not an audience of jws?
17, 18. (a) We now have what opportunity involving
patience? (b) We will receive what
blessings from manifesting patience now?
17 Whether we have served God for
a few months or for several decades,
we want to serve him forever. Patience
helps us to endure until we gain salvation,
no matter how much time remains
in this system. Jehovah is now giving us
the opportunity to prove our complete
trust in his decisions and—if necessary—
to be willing to suffer evil for the
sake of his name. (1 Pet. 4:13, 14) God is
also giving us training that can help us to
have the patience needed for salvation.
—1 Pet. 5:10.
So the goal is salvation not to vindicate God’s sovereignty.
Do GB decisions = God’s decisions? Did the decisions of the religious elders in Jesus’ time represent God’s?
Suffer evil at the hands of other jws, other jw pedophiles?
18 Jesus has all authority in heaven
and on earth, and nothing can snatch
you away from his protective care—except
you. (John 10:28, 29) There is no
need to fear the future or even death.
Those who patiently endure to the end
will be saved. So we must make sure
that we do not allow the world to seduce
us and make us stop relying on Jehovah.
Instead, we must be determined to grow
in faith and use the time of God’s patience
wisely.—Matt. 24:13; read 2 Peter
3:17, 18.
So what happens if false accusations are made by humans, and elders believe them?
Relying on God or imperfect human elders as in Jesus’ day?
Words of Peter:
We must obey God as ruler rather than men." (Acts 5:29)"
I learned to stop relying on men as if they spoke for God.
So if you lived in Isaiah’s time, would you be tossing your children into the fire, would he have?
Next week, “YOU KNOW NEITHER THE DAY NOR THE HOUR” but the YEAR as many jws said prior to 1975 trying to slough off the implication that the WTS was running ahead of God.
Noah was told 7 days in advance to go into the ark….will jws get such an advance notice, do some think that?
Remember Matthew 24:44
(Matthew 24:44) On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.
(Luke 12:40) YOU also, keep ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think likely the Son of man is coming.”
Love, Blondie