Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-11-2012 WT Study (PATIENCE0
by blondie 27 Replies latest jw friends
JW GoneBad
I noticed that there was no mention in the article of Elders needing to work on being patient with the congregation members. How many fewer disfellowshippings would there be if the congregation ‘shepherds’ spent more time patiently working with individuals that have committed wrongdoing or others who are weak. I know of too many instances of Elders rushing thru a Judicial Committee only to disfellowship someone because the JC became impatient with the wrongdoer.
Maybe having such qualities as patience, staying power, fortitude, persistence and endurance are not a prerequisite when a man is reaching out for the office of Overseer.
It truly is a sad thing that an Elder in oversight of a congregation lacks such needed qualities when working with people under his care.
I know of a married woman with 3 children in her early forties was recently disfellowshipped. My heart of hearts tells me that the Elders on the JC became impatient, didn’t want to spend/waste the time on assisting and helping her improve on her issues and decided disfellowshipping was the answer. So not only does the sister suffer, but her husband has to share in the pain and humiliation of it, not to mention the pain and humiliation to the children.
All because the Elders are not patient!
Jehovah himself has been patient.
He could have put an end to wickedness at any
time, but he is waiting for the right time.
Yeah. Lazy imaginary sky daddy. Actually he could have put it right but decided to subject innocent humans to pain and suffering for thousands of years. Yeah, thanks you psycho in the sky!!
Well at least we can take comfort from the fact that Armageddon(TM) will be soon, but might not be....but it'll be soon really....but we might have to wait.........
Another reason why Jehovah has waited patiently is so that more people can have everlasting life.
So! Does imaginary sky idiot have an 'appointed time'(TM) or not?
Oh, wait, Jehovah(TM) doesn't exist! Problem sorted.
Good point, JW Gone Bad... Hey, Punk! I like your illustrations!!
PATIENCE: I counted 58 occurrences of some form of the word "patience" in this article. That includes not only the text in the body of the articles, but also the title, subheadings, questions and captions.
It does NOT include any time it appeared in referenced scriptures, which was quite a few. Obviously there is no way to know how many times individuals used the words in the comments during the WT study as that would vary from congregation to congregation.
Not very subtle WT!
BLONDIE- Good thread. It's so sad to me when I see statements by older JW's like the lady in paragraph 1 who stated, " Will I see the end before I die " ? Because I know she WILL NOT ! " The end " is a lie perpetuated by the WT Society leaders to keep JW's trapped inside a false concept for their entire lives ! Makes me pissed off mad at the WT society for lying to our older JW relatives who have wasted their whole lives on this pipedream. I have 87 & 85 yr.old JW parents who are still hanging onto a thread hoping they'll never die and enter an alleged " paradise earth ". Personally I feel the WT Society should be brought up on criminal charges of fraud and extortion for the last 133 years of lies they have falsely put forth. It disgusts me
JW GoneBad
Flipper’s comments remind me of 1 Thes 2:3 where it says: “For the exhortation we give does not arise from error or from uncleanness or with deceit.”
The apostle Paul may have had the freedom to speak on the topic of deceit but not so the WTBTS. As this lesson shows and as the following lesson shows, much of WT prints in its publications is ‘from error…… and with deceit!’
Paragraph 14 - " Instead of letting ourselves become........ impatient ( about Satan's system ending ) let us put faith in the unseen things that will last forever. " Yeah right. Like WT Society false promises that last forever ? I get it.
Paragraph 15 - " During these difficult final days of this system of things , we may experience special challenges to our faith. Instead of RESPONDING ANGRILY if we become VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE or WHEN OUR LOVED ONES SUFFER ......... " ?? " We are IMPERFECT so it is not easy to do that ( trust Jehovah and not get angry ) " . ????? WTF ? So now we have the WT Society telling JW's to NOT demonstrate normal human emotions if they suffer violence or their loved ones suffer in some way ? Who ARE these guys ? Is it any wonder most JW's have NO normal human emotions left and suffer from " dissociative disorder " and function like automated robots without feelings ? Their leaders do it ! And that same mentality trickles down into rank & file JW's ! Ick ! It's absolutely $hit crazy reasoning !
Paragraph 16 - " A person who lacks confidence that the end is near might start to make alternate arrangements "( you think ? ) " He might then try to make a name for himself in this world, to seek financial security instead of putting God's kingdom first... " And that's a BAD thing ? Look, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people ALL of the time. WT promises have failed for 133 years now. What are people gonna do- sit on their thumbs and rotate ? Jesus. You have to live life !
Paragraph 17 - " Jehovah ( the faithful slave ) is now giving us the opportunity to prove our complete trust in his ( their ) decisions and- if necessary - to be willing to suffer evil for the sake of his ( faithful slave's ) name. " This mind control cult is very adept at manipulating Jehovah's Witnesses to hand over their lives, health, wealth, time and energy for the sake of what ? False WT expectations which benefits WT leaders, not the rank & file JW's. Very sad and sick.
Sorry Blondie for my rants, I had to just throw in my 2 cents here. This kind of stuff burns me up. WT Society needs to be exposed as much as possible. Once again great thread ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper, I have had 4 relatives die in the last 4 years, one my mother, all hoping to never die and live into the new system. I sat by the bedside of too many jws in the last 30 years so they would not die alone, not a single elder came, "being around death bothers us." I'm not alone, too many jws my age and younger are seeing the promise not fulfilled for their parents, aunts, uncles, etc. jws forget living people that no longer attend their KH (even if another KH). Out with the old, in with the new.
I can see why the WTS had to have a stronger version of the "have patience." It only took the Israelites a few months to reach the Promised Land after leaving Egypt. The 40 years was due to their "lack of of trust in God." Is that what is happening now, have the rank and file somehow failed to trust God and that is why it has been 133 years and the end is not in sight. While the WTS says a generation had to die and be punished (40 years) it has been 93 more years past that for members of the WTS. How many more years? In my area fewer and fewer children of jws stick around and even less adult non-jws coming in; if it weren't for the foreign people coming to other countries, well, the increase could be 0% as a CO told us.
Remember the anointed get their reward immediately when they die, immortal perfect spirits ruling with Christ in heaven, able to see God, higher than the angels....even killing the wicked at Armaggedon. And the rank and file get what, the promise that AS A GROUP they will survive Armaggedon, but if they should die, not to worry because it won't be by execution by Jesus (144,000) or God. There's always the resurrection, but too bad if they hoped to live forever with spouse or have children if they had stayed single to do more for the WTS.
I'm so glad I'm out and that I won't be wasting what remains of my life putting it on hold for a so-called paradise that is not coming, and even if their version comes, I would rather die than spend eternity with the unloving jws I left behind.
End of Rant
Thanks everyone for your excellent comments.