I'm with you Blondie, I'm so glad I'm out as well not wasting my life on a pipedream and am now happily living my life. That is so cool that you sat with older JW's who were dying to console them. Typical that elders wouldn't do so though. My condolences to you on the loss of your mother and relatives my friend. I'm sure my JW dad and mom are not long for this lifetime either but I'll be there for them too when one of their lives ends in order to comfort the living one. It's really heartbreaking indeed. Peace to you and your husband friend
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-11-2012 WT Study (PATIENCE0
by blondie 27 Replies latest jw friends
So let's see...the Watchtower has fooled
1 1874-1914
2 1914-1954
3 1954-1994
4 1984-today
going on 4 generations of people into believing thet the end would come and they would never die, and they expect the latest batch of suckers to not get a little bit impatient about chasing rainbows.
Theocratic Sedition
Just got back from the meeting and I have to say today's WT lesson was like being an inmate with only one more year on his sentence and then finding out the judge just tacked on an additional 25 years. Talk about depressing! Being a JW is like perpetual limbo. "Of all men we are most to be pitied."
Theocratic Sedition
lol just realized this thread isnt even related to today's WT. Oh well, similar themes. Looking forward to Blondie's review. Truly a discouraging WT today.
The Governing Body have fallen under the delusion that they have been appointed to high office of spokesman for Jehovah and as result of this delusion they feel that they know the mind of God:
"" When Satan seduced Eve and then Adam disobeyed, God did not abandon his purpose. He did not panic, make hasty decisions, or overreact, giving up on the human family. Instead, he conceived a way to accomplish what he purposed for humans and for planet earth.""
Actually when you look at all the things the Governing Body have said about the thoughts and mind of Jehovah, he almost appears to like sock puppet, doing, thinking, and saying things that the Governing Body find handy to spread thier delusion that they are his appointed spokeman.
Forest Gump meets a patient Jehovah`s Witness..
How long have you been waiting..
For the "New System?"..
.............................. ...OUTLAW
thanks blondie. i'm glad of all comments that pull this junk to pieces, sometimes I dont 'see it' so good to dissect