talked to wife about new light!

by unstopableravens 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • unstopableravens

    black sheep maybe ur right but i cant go back in time i would think the truth would be enough

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    i would think the truth would be enough

    A long term indroctrinated JW has a definition of 'truth' that is not in any dictionary. When my JWs have their backs to the wall they really couldn't give a shi+ about truth.

  • unstopableravens

    the wt could come out tommorow and say that noah was a frog and moses was a horse and she would believe it and turn around and be mad at me for not believing it

  • LostGeneration
    well she says it does not matter

    Ahhhhh...and there is the essence of being a Jehovah's Witness!

    I know its stressful to you at this time, but damn bro, that story brought a big, fat smile to my face

  • unstopableravens

    hey lostgeneration why did it bring a smile to ur face? cause it almost brought tears to mine!

  • LostGeneration

    Sorry, because it was just a complete setup. I mean like a watcher said, you set her up and knocked it down. I guess if it were a JW at the door that would be frikken hilarious, probably not so much with a hubby trying to get his wife to see the light.

    You also have to remember JWs have this kind of thinking when you bring up the "lie" word about their precious GB.

  • paladin

    I told my wife I had some information on this new light saved in a PDF flie. She printed the file and is now reading it. I'm waiting for a reply and hoping she wakes up. My wife ia born-in JW.

  • unstopableravens

    lost generation thats crazey i just put on seinfeld the sniffing accountant

  • unstopableravens

    lost generation that is true when i said they lied she had this look on her face like she found a porno under my bed and paladin learn from my mistake and watch what you say

  • jgnat

    Do you want to be right or do you want your wife to awaken? Hassan's books will help. Your wife's natural personality is completely different from the cultist personality. You've scared the cultist, which makes it coming roaring to the fore, and your wife's natural person (who might have responded to your gentle reasoning) is well and truly buried for a while.

    Drop it, man!

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