talked to wife about new light!

by unstopableravens 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina
    "Ziddina, you have given some grat suggestions. There are so many boo boos in the Bible, that if brought to people's attention will rock their faith in the Bible. ..." whathappened, page #2

    Well, that's what happened to ME...

    However, that study also stated that the people who read JUST the bible, usually exited the JWs AND went on to join more traditional Christian churches...

    Which might be a relief for him, at any rate.

  • unstopableravens

    ziddina i would love for her to go to a good church with me. if she seen what a good church was really like she would know its not like the wt says it is.she has never been to a church

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I've been able to help some of my family by using some of Hassan's techniques. I talked to them about what life would be like had our family not been generations deep into the organization. I talked about fear and the hold it has on them. I asked how would it feel not to be afraid anymore.

    I also never brought up doctrine. But if they did, I would gently ask questions and make them explain any teachings or changes to me.

    It is so frustrating when what you want most of all is for your family to just get out of the cult. Just tweek your style up a bit and your wife may soon join you.

    This year 3 family members voted for the first time in their life!

  • LostGeneration


    The absolute last thing you want to do is try to force her to attend a church right now. In her mind churches are tools of satan and demons live there!

    Baby steps, bro. I've been there, done it (wrong).

    Trust me, take a month off from talking about religion at all with her. Get Hassans books and read them twice. Then ask any questions you have about them here. Then take another month off. Then maybe you can approach her again.

    You only get ONE chance.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    You just became 'apostate' mate.

    if you want to salvage, i would back pedel like mad and try a different tack or none at all.

    It is a real tricky tight rope act we are on sometimes.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    All is not lost. People don't fit into neat packages. That's good and bad. You do have some room for error. Just try again. One approach does not work for all. You have to really think about their personality and how they react to fear, uncertainty, doubt etc. Then go from there.

    I always stressed to my family that there should be unconditional love between us no matter our beliefs. So far I've been able to keep communication open with everyone.

  • happy@last

    she going to look like the victim

    Looks like she is a victim, hints and seed of doubt are better than a ton of bricks.

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    I would only add that along with a nice card, flowers or something else she likes might help. All women love to think their man thinks about them often and loves them. Jewelry is nice too. It's not shallow. Just human nature. I wish you much luck!

  • snare&racket

    Trust me... This is the usual first reaction, but she will be mulling it over now and i bet its the start of a big change in thinking... Give it 2 months and she will start asking more questions.

  • jgnat

    DO NOT suggest going to another church. I tried that with my hubby and all his cult alarm bells started ringing. He nearly fainted the first time he saw a cross mounted on a wall.

    Really, you are going at this all random. Your wife coming straight from a meeting is going to talk all cultist. That's not your wife talking, it's the cult. Give her a few days as far away from the meetings as possible, and then have a talk.

    You have to start talking to the natural woman. What are her hopes and dreams, her interests?

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