The idea of perfection has been redefined. In this case, they have changed it to mean blind obedience. How is that perfection? Only in machinery is that so.
by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The idea of perfection has been redefined. In this case, they have changed it to mean blind obedience. How is that perfection? Only in machinery is that so.
How does one kill an idea? Because that's what evil is and Satan is the personification of it.
OK, one more. But if Satan was created perfect how did he get to thinking along the lines of evil in the first place? Did not God ever think of that one before?
OK, one more. But if Satan was created perfect how did he get to thinking along the lines of evil in the first place? Did not God ever think of that one before?
You have to understand that Satan isn't a person, he's a personification of a concept. The problem of evil is also the problem of existence. Evil is a natural by product of Good, that's why it's called the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. We started out with Tree of Life and then we progressed to through gauntlet of Free Will which includes the problem of Evil. Evil is a difficulty setting to life and it has a specific way of going extinct. However during that process it also shapes Good in the form of creating endurance. How do you create something that lasts forever? You have to test it.
What lasts forever? Do you have proof? I think you have a mechanistic world view, as compared to an organic one. Mechanistic = builder and constructions. Organic = everything grows, evolved, and then dies, recycles.
Yep, I agree. We need both good and evil to exist. Good can come about as a result of evil and vice versa. So... why destroy more than 99% of the world's population to get rid of evil when the only way that the good/evil argument works is for both to exist?
What lasts forever? Do you have proof? I think you have a mechanistic world view, as compared to an organic one. Mechanistic = builder and constructions. Organic = everything grows, evolved, and then dies, recycles.
When you die you go back to your Soul Form which lasts forever unless you fail the test or too many tests. The only reason why we suffer the effects of entrophy is because we are in the middle of being tested. Without an existence such as this one, no questions could be answered. We are eternal beings living in a finite existence for a purpose.
Yep, I agree. We need both good and evil to exist. Good can come about as a result of evil and vice versa. So... why destroy more than 99% of the world's population to get rid of evil when the only way that the good/evil argument works is for both to exist?
Well good can exist without evil, but it will not be tested, does that make sense? Because God isn't evil, he just knows about it. God doesn't need the test, his children do.
Thing is, the whole universe from the biggest thing to the smallest is organic, in that it has the nature of growing, dying and recycling. There is no evidence of a constructor for any of it.
I don't argue w your premis that we are spirit taking a carnal ride in a meat body. However, argueing about what it may be like on the other side is not something that would be very useful, imo.
Thing is, the whole universe from the biggest thing to the smallest is organic, in that it has the nature of growing, dying and recycling. There is no evidence of a constructor for any of it. I don't argue w your premis that we are spirit taking a carnal ride in a meat body. However, argueing about what it may be like on the other side is not something that would be very useful, imo.
There is definitely evidence that there is a direction to all of existence, imo. When we get to the end of what this entropic existence has in store for us there could simply be another Big Bang and start it all over again going back in the opposite direction (like a never ending pendulum). If there is a way to "save" all spirit data you would simply just wait until planets and life formed which would provide the meat bodies again allowing for further testing of the original subjects. Our souls exist as part of that eternity, but memory from experience to experience doesn't seem to pervade, especially cross-species. I suspect that while in soul form we are aware of ALL prior experience because we all do have an actual starting point.
Could be. However, instead of the 'testing' aspect, i lean towards the growth or evolution aspect. Evolution is a universe wide principle, so if this were an aspect on 'the other side', that would go w the pattern of as below, so above, or vice versa. And so, it's not the memory of things learned previous incarnations that are important, but the growth or evolution that is important. And, this is naturally carried forward in the essence of the soul/spirit. It IS that spirit's essence. That's my theory on it, anyhow. This would include the animals, and on down to bugs, bacterias and whatever is the smallest consciousness or semiconsciousness, the nanonanospecs of it.
Could be. However, instead of the 'testing' aspect, i lean towards the growth or evolution aspect. Evolution is a universe wide principle, so if this were an aspect on 'the other side', that would go w the pattern of as below, so above, or vice versa. And so, it's not the memory of things learned previous incarnations that are important, but the growth or evolution that is important. And, this is naturally carried forward in the essence of the soul/spirit. It IS that spirit's essence. That's my theory on it, anyhow. This would include the animals, and on down to bugs, bacterias and whatever is the smallest consciousness or semiconsciousness, the nanonanospecs of it.
Yes, because there was a time when there were ONLY animals and no humans and there was a time when there was ONLY micro consciousness and so forth. It all serves as myriads of possible vessels for a finite amount of individual consciousnesses or spirts. The question is why and that is elegantly answered by the postulation of a collection of memory rather than a hard wall between individual experiences. An eventual full retention in memory would serve as a deep purpose for the whole roll of film so to speak. When the final curtain falls, we will know why.
Answer this question: why does the man on the street risk his life for another person? What if the man is connected to a corporation connected to the jobs of others that only he can manage? What of his wife and children? These don't seem to be factored in as he jumps in front of a moving vehicle to save the life of another. It seems hard wired into us. Even if we don't do it, we are still restraining an impulse at the very least. The question is when do we make sacrifice and why?