The cuckooo book... Makes no sense... Because its a cuckooo book.
Now tell me again....WHAT exactly is the point?
by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The function...the use determines the utility or "perfection" of a thing.
Spoon=perfect for soup
Fork=lousy for soup.
God as creator is only creator IF and WHEN He creates.
The "perfection" of His creation can only be measured by utility.
Placing humans without any life experience in a decision scenario only actually TESTS the perfection of the creator/designer: God.
As architects and other designers know: Form follows function
If the function of humanity was blind obedience it is a worrisome design flaw to include a built-in mechanism for DISobedience.
If the function of humanity was "selective" obedience, then, humanity followed design and "selected" to "be like god knowing good and bad."
In every possible scenario for an Eden-like testing situation we slam against one unavoidable wall:
God did not create the BEST of all POSSIBLE worlds.
How do we know? Because any of us can easily imagine a better one from the beginning.
Would you--IF you were a designer--design any machine or gizmo that had a built-in function which allowed IT (the device) to decide NOT to work the way you wanted? If--for some reason it did---how is that superior in any way to a device WITHOUT that function?
Would it not be incredibly silly to say "I'm so happy! My car decided to start when I turned the key!"
The only way religious apologists can make an excuse for the Genesis version of creation gone wrong is to blame the victims: humanity.
Only humans are vulnerable to never-ending extinction.
Humans in Eden did exactly what they were DESIGNED to do!
It could not be otherwise.
Else, we must identify the designer with intent for malfunction.
dear Terry...
you said: "The "perfection" of His creation can only be measured by utility."
when the student is ready to learn...the teacher will teach. (usually "fuzzy" cliches bug me but, this seems appropriate...this morning)
love michelle