The thread, no matter who it is "directed" to, is posted on an OPEN discussion forum.
Oh, I'm sorry... the thread, but not your comments ON the thread, dear Palm (again, peace to you!)? Yes, I "see"...
I have not had my posting privileges censored by the mods, so I feel free to comment as I like!
Yet, you wish to deny me the same freedom... and on my own thread. Interesting.
If you would like for me to not comment on any threads you start, maybe you can PM one of the mods to request it and they can let me know?
Ummmm... it wasn't me who took issue with someone responding to something they posted, dear one. It was you. On one of your threads, and now on my own thread. Personally, I don't care who comments. I just find it interesting that folks can comment to ME... or on MY thread... then expect me NOT to comment to what they posted. I mean... seriously??
And your response to my general comment WAS directed to me, addressed it to me - Palm -
Yes, I did, as well as to any others who might be reading. It's what I always do: acknowledge the one whose comment may be at issue (I just think it's mannerful to do that, so that the one doesn't feel "ignored")... but realizing others might be reading, as well. C'mon, Palm... you've been reading my posts for years. And nothing's changed (except, perhaps you). NOW, all of a sudden, you have a problem with HOW I post? C'mon, girl - I get it that we are now on opposite sides... but I didn't draw that line. Truly, if left up to ME... there would be no line...
and talked about my motivations at great length.
I responded to what you posted. I thought it was nice, really. I understood what you were trying to convey... AND the spirit in which you were trying to do so! I did not take any negative connotation or intent at ALL. I simply responded as from ME how such might not apply under the circumstance. I mean, since the post was obviously directed at me (and perhaps others, generally). To say it wasn't is... dishonest. Because I am the only one whose "speech" couple of YOUR friends were having a problem with. Right? Let's keep it real, girl. I take absolutely NO issue with what you were trying to do. Truly.
So, again, I get what you are trying to communicate: that [you need me] to be "nicer"... sweeter... more "graceful." Again, you have folks here that are such, almost to a fault (given how you all go at them)... and that still makes no difference - you don't listen to them, either.
This is TRUE. As is this:
I find it fascinating, though, that you DO need such... me.
Not everything I do here is about YOU.
Which is why, for the LIFE of me... I can't figure why you (folks) keep making it so! I can go to threads now, which I have absolutely NOTHING to do with... and there is my name. And discussion about something I posted, what I believe, etc. I don't make it about me - YOU folks do. I make it about the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and His Son and Christ, the HOLY One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, His Chosen One (MischaJah).
Had everyone kept the thread on topic... that topic being the differences between faith and trust... and NOT directed it toward/at/about me... we wouldn't even be here in the discussion. Unfortunately, there are some here... some who constantly post as to their disinterest, etc., who simply cannot do that, though. The thread could be about the dead rat the cat brought up on the porch - if I initiate it... or post on it... there are a little less than 10 posters who have to... HAVE to... make it about me.
Your finger is pointed in the wrong direction.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,