Faith... and Trust: The Same Things?

by AGuest 452 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest
    It isn't nice.

    Nice is probably more your skill, dear NC (again, peace to you!); I openly admit that it's not mine. And when I try to be "nice", I feel like a phony and very untruthful. I realize that I am lacking some of the... mmmmm... social "graces" you (and many women, and some... mmmmm... shall we say, more sensitive, men?) might desire. Indeed, you might consider me insensitive (actually, I'm not - I'm just pretty forthright... and somewhat desensitized, which isn't the same thing. Add to that a "forehead of flint" and, well...).

    Just to give a rounded out understanding, I am not sentimental (at all, never have been)... nor am I melancholy (and have little patience for those who are). I once did a post explaining that my brain works less like Venutians than it does like Martians (think "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"), primarily because I was raised by a father, without a mother. So I learned to conversate pretty much like the "guys" (sans the usual melarkey - you know, references to appendages and other body parts, bodily functions, women's body parts, etc - and emotion).

    What you perceive as not "nice", therefore, is more just me being "upfront" and honest. It's a bit of a cultural thing, too. While there are exceptions to the rule, of course, the women in my culture don't go for a whole lot of "sweet talk", like some others do.

    Add to all of that my vow to never lie as to God and Christ again... to anyone... about any of it... regardless of what it costs me... well, then...

    I hope this helps and, again, peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • NewChapter

    Allow me to reword it then. Please stop calling me dishonest. It's wrong.

  • AGuest

    The truth is never wrong, dear one (again, peace to you!). It may not be "nice," true. It may not be safe. One may not want to hear it. The timing may be off in one's telling it. But it's never wrong. I am not picking on you; I am only asking you to afford me the same consideration you wish me to afford you: be honest and truthful. At least when it comes to our interchanges with/about one another. What you say outside of that is on you. With regard to me, though, I will not lie to you... or about you.

    If my speaking the truth about you is as difficult for you to receive as my speaking the truth TO you... and apparently the latter is... you must ask yourself why that is. Because as to the first... I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • EntirelyPossible

    You aren't being nice and you are often wrong. Don't mistake you being a jerk for the same as being honest. Or rather, you should stop making that mistake.

  • NewChapter

    So calling me a liar is 'the truth'? Do you know what I think it really is? I think it is a diversion. Smoke and mirrors. When I respectfully challenged you, you came out and slandered me. People get riled up and it turns into a circus. Then you sneak away, leaving the challenge unanswered. I suspect your friends, at this point, will jump to your aid, and the show will begin. And they will defend your innocence and will try to twist what has happened here to fit into their view of who they think you really are and make it okay. In other words, they may feel the need to get angry at me for calling you out for slandering me, because they don't believe that you could lie. Or perhaps not. I'm just going on past patterns.

    Slandering people is not nice, righteous, or honest. You can twist it anyway you like. You can throw up shiny balls and increase your verbosity to try and muddy the issue. But it will change nothing. You slander.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Slander under the guise of "I'm just being honest, not nice" is Aguest M.O., NC. Seen it many times.

  • AGuest
    You aren't being nice

    I have never made a claim that I am/was, EP. It would not be the truth. To the contrary, I have truthfully stated many... many... many times... that I am not nice. At least I am being honest, including about myself.

    and you are often wrong.

    Perhaps. But then, we all are, are we not?

    Don't mistake you being a jerk for the same as being honest.

    As one who has the market cornered on jerkdom, I must take your word that you perceive me as being a jerk. But I make no such mistake. I only ask that you not mistake my being honest for being a jerk. I mean, I CAN "cush" my words up for you, but why do you want that? Are you so sensitive, so unable to handle the unadulterated truth, that you need your ears to be "tickled"? Surely there are an abundance of folks who can give you that. Surely, you've had ENOUGH of that. Or perhaps not. If you have, why do you want... need... that from me?

    Or rather, you should stop making that mistake.

    The mistake is you asking me not only to lie to you... but to even swaddle the lies in "tickly" words... words that make you feel "good"... because you can't handle them any other way. There are others here who tell you the truth, even swaddled in kind and loving words. You don't listen to them, either. So what difference does it make? None. John came not drinking, keeping himself from wine so as to honor his [Nazarite] vow - they had a problem with him anyway. Christ came drinking wine [although he is the True Nazarite] - they had a problem with him, as well. The same problem, in fact.

    For us, we can play the flute... but you won't dance, regardless of how "pretty" the music is. Or we can sing a dirge, but you won't mourn, no matter how solemn the tune. Bottom line? It doesn't matter how truth is presented to you - wrapped up in pretty little packages and presented on a finely gloved hand... or handed to you on an open (and perhaps dirty, even grubby) palm: it won't be acceptable to you.

    Because such ARE the little children in the marketplace: never satisfied. Same then, same now. Nothing new under the sun.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who is probably more like those who tended to speak plainly to the sons of Israel... than Belial (known to you as Satan and Devil)... who always spoke "consolingly." Even to Christ. And look where that got those who listened to such "consoling" speech... and those who did not...

  • AGuest
    So calling me a liar is 'the truth'?

    I did not call you a liar; but, you were not being honest/truthful, dear NC (again, peace to you!). But only you (and God/Christ) know why that is. I would wager that it's due to fear... but not sure just what you're afraid OF... except perhaps looking like you might have to agree with me... which you would rather be dishonest than do. So...

    Do you know what I think it really is? I think it is a diversion. Smoke and mirrors.

    No, truly, it wasn't. THIS is the diversion, the whole "You're calling me a liar"... when the truth is you WERE dishonest... but don't want any attention called to that. So, let's talk about AGuest's audacity instead.

    When I respectfully challenged you, you came out and slandered me.

    I'm sorry... but if you challenged me, respectfully or not, I am sure I replied to it... and honestly. If your being dishonest was part of that reply, how is it slander?

    People get riled up and it turns into a circus. Then you sneak away, leaving the challenge unanswered.

    Are you forgetting the topic of this thread... and who initiated it? I did not start the "riling" OR the "circus." As for the unanswered challenge, I will to back forthwith and look for that, because I promise you... in ALL honesty... I did not intend to leave ANYTHING that you asked of me unanswered. And I certainly didn't sneak off. There is no sneaking on this site for me. You wouldn't permit it.

    I suspect your friends, at this point, will jump to your aid, and the show will begin.

    Then I will state to them, again, what I have before: don't. There truly is no need to. I must add, though, that I find it FASCINATING that you overlook that such has occurred for you. You tend to do that, though, overlook such. And often.

    And they will defend your innocence and will try to twist what has happened here to fit into their view of who they think you really are and make it okay.

    No, I don't think they will. Again, though, I hope they don't and exhort them not to. I don't need them to... unlike perhaps you need YOUR friends to do so.

    In other words, they may feel the need to get angry at me for calling you out for slandering me, because they don't believe that you could lie. Or perhaps not. I'm just going on past patterns.

    Let's go with the "perhaps not." And you and your friends have a similar pattern. Indeed, to a much greater extent. Funny, you never seem to see that, though...

    Slandering people is not nice, righteous, or honest.

    It's also against the law of love ("Do not bear false witness...")... which is why I don't do it. If it is TRUE, however, it is not slander.

    You can twist it anyway you like. You can throw up shiny balls and increase your verbosity to try and muddy the issue.

    But now, see, that's exactly what I DON'T do: no shiny balls, no cottony fluff. And absolutely NO mud - it's all out there, obscured by nothing. Now, I am verbose, yes... but I am honest about that.

    But it will change nothing. You slander.

    And you're not being honest. As to either statement.

    Again, peace to you. Truly. Please do not take my being honest as not wanting you to have/be at peace. I truly do.

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    "I'm just being honest, not nice"

    I'm honest about that, too, EP. That's the difference between you and me: I can take honesty... as well as be honest. And I gotta tell ya, if you're one who CAN'T take honesty, you're gonna have a REALLY hard time when you hear Christ speak to you. Which might be why you aren't hearing: you can't handle the truth HE tells you. You certainly can't if you can't hear it from me. Trust me: he goes much, much more deeper than I ever could. He started with me... and what was in ME... which is another reason why I stick to the truth, now. Nothing's hidden from HIM, anyway, and so attempts to hide are futile. If only Adham and Eve had remembered that...

    A slave of Christ,


  • NewChapter

    The challenge I put forth was on another thread. Your friends came out and the whole thing got sidetracked, which I believe was the purpose. You lie about me, and then claim your lord knows about it, which must make your lord a liar. Every other post to me you call me dishonest. You do as you wish. I was going to find the thread where I put forth the challenge, that turned into a bit of a freak show, but then I realized, for today, I don't want to deal with someone that slanders and wages false accusations. That's you. You do that. All the time. So the conversation is no longer worth it. It will only be full of personal attacks anyway.

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