Are They Cynically Shutting Down The Organization?

by metatron 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I've raised this idea before but recent events seem to support it. Changes in the Watchtower may be guided by more than a need for cash flow: they may simply be liquidating/shutting it down as discreetly as possible.

    Of course, this doesn't mean they stop working on their upstate NY country club - but it could mean that the throrough going exposure and disproof of their beliefs on the internet, when it emerged, took many of them by surprize, as it did many of us! After awhile, they generally gave up trying to make any sense of their doctrines - and coupled with cash flow issues - moved towards a quiet retreat.

    Take a look at a few things:

    So, they dump the annual pioneer letter? Why? What does it cost them? This suggests to me that they don't really care about them.

    The new 16 page magazines are pathetic and some Witlesses are privately saying so. Even at this reduced size, they don't seem to be able to properly fill a page, leaving huge white borders around paragraphs! More than that, the introduction promises that some features of the magazines will be permanently available only online! What does this tell you?

    So, David Splane talks about how 'we love' some new doctrine? Implying that they just make up stuff? What does that tell you? They gave up on most apologetics years ago. If you neglect something, it's because it really doesn't matter to you anymore.

    Why not get rid of all printing? Just do it online? And where does that leave 8 million publishers? Replaced by racks of servers?

    Do they come up with more doctrinal changes that say, 'it's been nice knowing you but ......' Perhaps so, because that's their financial trend and as Woodward and Bernstein once told us, "follow the money".


  • designs

    The GB may be revealing their concensus that the Bible is not really 'inspired' and therefore open to anything you want to imply. Most 'Theological Seminaries' and most heads of Churches gave up the idea of an infallible source and have modernized- ie The Episcopal Church.

    While Splane and company have chosen to go in the opposite direction from modnerizing their religion with this recent 'new light' it really does show they are making it up as they go along.

  • cedars

    Interesting points metatron. I guess only time will tell if you're right. I certainly think the Governing Body is getting increasingly lazy and sloppy in the terrible decisions they are making. It's almost like they don't care anymore - or maybe they're just plain stupid?

    I guess whether this is all part of an elaborate exit strategy remains to be seen. Watch this space.

    It's certainly funny to speculate on what the last Watchtower title might be. Here's one suggestion...

    so long and thanks for all the fish


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    We should be so lucky. I agree that it all seems hinky, but I guess I won't really believe it until I see it. Perhaps it's all a wind up to something we just don't expect.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    metatron >> Why not get rid of all printing?

    Would you go to a summer convention with no releases to be picked up?

    . . . and perhaps that is just the reason for having scheduled the majority of the 2013 DCs into their very own assembly halls (at least in Germany).

  • cofty

    I'm not convinced there is a plan.

    "A camel is a horse designed by a committee." - Sir Alec Issigonis

    I think with the death of "theologians" like Freddy Franz it has become shabolic.

  • metatron

    This would not be different from the conclusion of many dictatorial regimes. As rot and failure set in, a 'say anything' mode emerges, hidden behind a facade that nothing has changed. I continue to think that this happened to the Soviet Union.

    Poor fools that the publishers are, they get seduced and abandoned. "If God did not want them to be sheared, why did he make them sheep?".

    On this basis, perhaps radical doctrinal change could happen soon, if it serves the GB's interest. They still have 2% growth? And of what value is that? Do they contribute? Donate? Even if they zealously go door to door, so what? It's just more printed material that ends up in landfills. And how many people 'come into the truth' because of door to door contact? Almost none?

    Their preaching work is an anachronism, an outmoded relic that begs 'please, put me out of my misery'.

    And where's the glory and self adulation in leading throngs of dupes and passive-aggressive Witlesses? Doesn't that get old really quick?

    Change is overdue. No, not change.........euthanasia!


  • notjustyet

    I forsee in the future JWs will go the DC , CA and instead of being given a new publication you will be given a stub with a scratch off segment that will show a URL to be typed in when you get home.

    On the flip side of the Stub there will be a statement not to share this URL to those that have not attended their DC, CA as you do not want to take away their experience of recieving their very own URL at the apropriate time.


  • elderelite

    Met, its an interesting thought for sure. 15 years ago it would have been unthinkable.... But more and more it is in fact happening. What gives me pause in totally buying it is there another principle in play here that works against it. Along with "follow the money" i have always believed in this one: the first rule of power is, those that have it will do anything to keep it. I cant believe they will walk away from the power they (the GB) have.

  • metatron

    In response, they could end all printing and just have some external firm take care of it. Less liability, in fact (no Bethelites to worry about).

    I understand the horse/camel logic - and I have no doubt that such a circumstance took place, at first. However, this stuff evolves over time and assumes a life of it's own. I don't see how this never-ending trend of cutbacks, layoffs, downsizing, and 'lying to one's self' ends without the leadership understanding that the Game Is Over - long before the Witless Zombie Thralls catch on.

    That realization - of leaders before followers- is why this stuff happens.


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