Atheists and Theists... what do you want from us?

by tec 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    I'm neither believer, nor atheist.

    My experience as a person who is searching, though, is this:

    Atheists don't care about my "believer" leanings.

    I feel more accepted and safer and supported as I search, with the atheists.

    I have no issue with the non-atheists, except that on-line, I find they are more militant and persecution complex-y than in real life. The constant arguing over the minutia of words and phrases is so much that the actual point is lost.

    When I disagree with or question the atheists, its okay. They encourage me to find the answer.

    When I disagree with a believer.......I'm "angry", "lack faith", "not receptive to holy spirit", "afraid", "not trying hard enough to HEAR".....etc. Makes me want to give up.

  • tec

    Thanks everyone for your continued contributions.

    I'm atheist. I'd like theists to stop preaching and trying to convert others. I'd like a live and let live policy on both sides. Don't preach to me and I won't argue with you.

    I also agree with live and let live. Discussion is okay though, right? Sharing faith perhaps as well, on a board that allows it?

    And I don't like metadiscussion: I said, you said, he said, she said. Enough already.


    And I wish theists told funnier stories.

    Well... there was this one time... at band camp...



  • tec

    hey tec, athiest want to see and hear ppl. rationalising and using critical thinking before spitting out the phrase "god did it". we want a factual conversation. not superstitious reasoning. EXAMPLE... ill never see my dad again. dont hold that carrot in front of my face if only ill suspend my "god given" reasoning.

    Thanks fakesmile. I think it depends upon the kind of conversation being had. Some might reason about their faith and things learned/experienced through that, and this of course does not mean that others have to accept it. But according to your example, I can see that it would not be helpful (and perhaps hurtful) to tell an atheist that they will see a lost loved one again in an afterlife.

    peace luv

    And to you,


  • tec

    I am a believer. As a former JW, I am fed up with preaching at me. I also don't like that alto I believe, I am treated as an atheist.
    I am tired of "believers," a small fraction of believers, not using their minds. Knowledge is
    not bad. If I had to choose between your "belief" and "atheism," I will choose atheism. Respect my belief to not share your idea of God.

    This is a fair request.

    Also that this same respect also be given to the right of others to not share your idea of God.

    Tammy, I have nothing against the way you express your belief. You do not impose it on me which gives you credence in my eyes.

    I can witness to Christ, but I cannot (by skill or by right) make another to believe what I share. Not my job.



  • tec

    Makes me want to give up.

    Palm there is only ONE who matters to your faith, and that is Christ. Look to Him (if you want, and if you want to see His Father). No one who belongs to Him could ever wish you ill, and think that it would be approved of or okay by Him.



  • tec

    Also, i know that i am responding to everyone's posts, mostly because i don't want to leave anyone out, and i don't want you to think that you are not being read. (Tal... there was nothing to say to your first post here, other than thank you, so I should have done that)

    Mostly this would be a cool reference thread for those who are trying to understand the other side a bit better. I'm not sure if theists want much more than what i posted in the OP, but i will leave it to them to add if they wish to add.

    So I might not get to everyone after this (bit busy for a couple days). Just wanted to express the above.



  • NewChapter

    Atheists don't care about my "believer" leanings.

    I feel more accepted and safer and supported as I search, with the atheists.

    In fact, we respect it. My forum has come up a number of times, and its super-secret nature. It is private, and so what may not be understood by those that are not members, is that I have a tiny spiritual corner! It is for those that are not atheists, but want to approach spirituality critically, and honestly. They feel better supported by secular people in this quest, where things are stated clearly and without metaphor, and are more comfortable posing questions, knowing that they will simply be answered with no effort to twist such answers to fit into a worldview. Just the facts ma'am.

    My desire was to make a place for like-minded people approached these things critically, could ask the questions that needed answers and could be answered, and to decide what to do with the questions that could not be answered. The forum is biased, that's for sure, but we actually do have quite a bit of respect who approach this part of their life intelligently. Of course, the rules don't allow for voices, visions, or personal revelation, because such is not useful on the internet. The type of non-atheists that benefit by this structure do not easily fall for anonymous claims. But they are certainly free to discuss it the way that works for them.


    a hateful, angry, disrespectul atheist that owns a secular board.

  • palmtree67

    Chappy: Re - the super-secret forum :

    a place for like-minded people approached these things critically, could ask the questions that needed answers and could be answered, and to decide what to do with the questions that could not be answered. The forum is biased, that's for sure, but we actually do have quite a bit of respect who approach this part of their life intelligently. Of course, the rules don't allow for voices, visions, or personal revelation, because such is not useful on the internet. The type of non-atheists that benefit by this structure do not easily fall for anonymous claims. But they are certainly free to discuss it the way that works for them.

    I'm very glad you posted this, because that is exactly what it is! I'm going to say this at athe risk of "promoting" a forum.....

    I feel I am benefiting from both forums - this one and Chappy's.

    I can't even say I've had "better answers" on the Secularist forum - I just feel free-r to explore there. Discussion is never stymied by the claim: "Jesus told me you're wrong". I mean.....where do you go from there....really?? Can't prove you're right, can't prove you're wrong.

    And yes, I was sucked in by the JW's.....I don't want to be sucked in again! So I approach things differently. More logically and less emotionally.

    Like others, I've looked at Tec and Shelby's new site, and I find (personally), no one questions, no one challenges. Shelby says she got a "vision", everyone praises it. As Sab said, they accept it is a "FACT" that Shelby talks to God, .......I'm sorry.....I just need more evidence. I haven't seen that so far.

  • NewChapter

    Well I think that is sometimes a sore spot that some of us don't seem to distinguish between types of non-atheists. I'm just hilighting that we actually do make a distinction. Something lies between atheism, and accepting stories of cherubs washing feet and staring adoringly into eyes. For those that fall between, that really do need evidence, who withhold belief until they feel they have sound reason to believe and have a critical judgement of what counts as evidence, and who are not easily led but always looking for their way, then there is a spot.

    I do distinguish between non-atheists.

  • LouBelle

    Tec - as an Atheist I do not want anything from Theists. I have my belief for my reasons and they have theirs for their reasons. I don't need to proved anything from my side and likewise with them. I really am not interested in a war of words.

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