WT Elders school: Look how cute that kindly old elder is! Too bad the Talmud says we have to stone our victim anyway

by sir82 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    We need to remember that this is just a video and not necessarily what is currently taking place among Elders in JCs the way WT would like.

    Is it possible that most if not many Elders are like Bro. ‘Old-and-Kindly’ and wanting to emulate Jesus Christ and be merciful? Otherwise, why else would there be a need to bring this topic up at an Elder’s refresher school unless there is a problem among JW Elders and their reluctance to DF fellow members.

    The same issue came up a few years back when another Elders’ school was conducted. Back then, the Elders were told that there were too many public reproofs and not enough disfellowshippings.

    Apparently, the matter needed to be brought up again. This time around, WT is wanting to make sure the point is made once and for all by use of a video: Disfellowship! Disfellowship! Disfellowship!

  • Vidiot
    wha happened? - "as every cult eventually does, they shrink down to it's most hardened core"

    Well, that would make the R&F easier to keep in line whilst maintain the lifestyle the GB's accustomed to during the longer-term effects of a financial downturn...

  • featherimiss

    This video brings me to my judicial meeting after I gave birth to my son out of wedlock. They asked alot of questions, such as how often did I have sex, what type of sex.

    And the final questions, was I going to continue to see my son's father. My answer was yes...and I was advised that I should discontinue the relationship in order to get back to Jehovah. I responded, that I was not going to stop my relationship, because I definitely need him more than ever..because I'm pretty sure I'm going to be disassociated (was not baptized). They said, not necesarily we have to pray over it and get back with you. I told them not to worry, because I would not never be coming back to the KH ever. (lol...I wish I would have stuck to this declaration)

    ...any how it's really sad that they would not help out the young man with his immediate need. To prepare for an upcoming child.

    God I'm so glad that I'm free from this organization.

  • dozy

    This video reminds me of one JC I was on as an elder which had a 85 year old ( I kid you not ) elder on it. Sweet guy but totally hopeless - maybe like the guy depicted in the video. The JC wasn't an open & shut case either which usually has " passenger " elders on the JC - it concerned a married sister of a ms who had been having an affair with a much younger pioneer - they had been merrily shagging away while supposedly working rural territory & it had been going on for several months until the rather dim husband figured out something was up when he read through the texts on a spare phone the sister had been using.

    The sister sobbed throughout the proceedings while her husband sat glum faced in the sidelines , taking notes , which was somewhat intimidating. The old elder didn't contribute anything other than asking the opening prayer. We decided , somewhat reluctantly , to reprove her. (Maybe with the newer hard-line approach she might have got DFd. ) I later told the PO never to put the old boy on a JC again.

    Last I heard the couple had split up.

  • DNCall

    A Watchtower article in the 1950s stated that the Society does not provide a Talmud covering every situation. Unfortunately over the decades since, the Society has been in fact compiling a Talmud, as referenced in Sir82’s subject line.

    The downside for the Society in spoon-feeding instructions via video presentation to the elders is that it then creates a dependency for similar direction on every conceivable issue. The increased liability (greater opportunity for error) that this creates along with the time and resources to attempt something like this would be so costly as to be prohibitive.

    Having now gone down this path, it will be fascinating to see where it leads.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    How long before the WTS has a select group of elders in each circuit who handle all JCs? If I were them, that's what I would want to do. Have a group of say 10 guys that are hard core and will follow instructions to the T. Then have them deal with any JCs that come up. Hand picked by the CO.

    You could provide more training, have more control and get the CO more involved since he could be on call.

    I mean, if you're going to go hardcore, then do it all the way.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Is it possible that most if not many Elders are like Bro. ‘Old-and-Kindly’ and wanting to emulate Jesus Christ and be merciful? Otherwise, why else would there be a need to bring this topic up at an Elder’s refresher school unless there is a problem among JW Elders and their reluctance to DF fellow members.

    The same issue came up a few years back when another Elders’ school was conducted. Back then, the Elders were told that there were too many
    public reproofs and not enough disfellowshippings.

    Oh, this may be true. But WTS is doing it's part to eliminate such things. They are hoping that by airing such a video, you would be hard-pressed to find 3 elders like "Bro. Old-and-Kindly."

  • sir82
    How long before the WTS has a select group of elders in each circuit who handle all JCs?

    They are moving in this direction.

    In the 10/1/2012 LBOE covering their new / consolidated child abuse policy (Atlantis has posted it on this site), the instruction is that for child abuse cases, the elders are to call the CO who will appoint an "experienced" heavy-hitting elder from somewhere in the circuit to be the chairman of the committee.

    It is very easy to imagine them expanding this policy to all JCs (1 circuit heavy hitter, 2 local guys) in the not-distant future.

  • Vidiot

    A full-time WT inquisition?

  • WTWizard

    And they claim to be pure Christian. This sort of activity is much more out of the Talmud, as interpreted by the Pharisees. Funny thing, when I was being dragged into the cancer, they vehemently denied being part Jewish as a religion. Yet they are mimicking the Pharisees--lying about it. Then when someone lies about fornication under pressure (a far less serious lie at that), they further mimic the Pharisees.

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