WT Elders school: Look how cute that kindly old elder is! Too bad the Talmud says we have to stone our victim anyway

by sir82 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    wha happened, what is the right direction, to fart, that is?

  • zeb

    and what about the girl who is pregnant and the little one who will be born..?

  • sickandtired

    Thank you, Sir 82, for all of your information! I was curious as to what they discussed at this school. My husband went already and he did mention they used videos and that the information was timely. Sigh. I wish I could get into his brain is see what he is thinking. From outward appearances, it seemed he totally agreed with whatever he heard at the school. I was hoping something there would make him think. Actually, he did mention Steve Lett having a pinky ring on a video and how pretentious that looked to him. He said he had assumed that they didn't have much in the way of money and got the same as the other Bethelites. I commented that they had all their needs taken care of and receive a monthly stipend and no doubt receive monetary gifts as well. Sometimes I can tell his wheels are turning, but I think he's afraid to connect the dots.

  • sir82
    no doubt receive monetary gifts as well.

    I have no concrete first hand knowledge in Lett's case, but it does not take much imagination to think of wealthy JWs providing "green handshakes" and expensive gifts to the top dogs.

    And there are some wealthy JWs.

    Or should I say, Wealthy.

  • Balaamsass

    Sir 82- You must be a great poker player. HOW do you keep a straight face during meetings??????

    At the end my face was giving me away the wife said......it was "shouting" WTF??

  • minimus

    Sir is able to do it because he must still enjoy being an elder or at least can tolerate it.

    I'm happy he gives us the newest information....There was a time that I did what he did but then recognized it was all hyprocritical and I just couldn't pretend anymore.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    The unloving, uncompassionate, horrid way I and my family were treated once upon a time at my JC helped remove the blinders from my eyes.

    The elders have become Pharisees, they go way beyond what is written, they encourage people to shun someone when that person needs help the most. They kick you when you're down. They don't even consider the ramifications to others involved (as in this example with the pregnant girl and unborn child). AWFUL! Terrible! Despicable!!

    I agree this video s/b put out there for public consumption. Why do they hide these things when truth and love "casts fear aside"...? They (The GB and others in control) must know their actions are smutty and reprehensible!!

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