Prove God is not a dick head.
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
non believers what if your wrong?
I've been wrong about a lot of things . . . shit I can't even score 100% on multi-choice questions.
But if God showed up I'd feel obliged to point out that I'm not that impressed with a lot of his work . . . and that he should have got in touch with me a lot sooner.
Lol! It was 3 am here when I replied and no... alone, sober and haven't touched weed in years.
Like NewChapter, an afterlife dosen't concern me at all. My feelings are that IF there is a God then ChristAlone has pretty much nailed it... it's our actions rather than our beliefs that he looks at (and yes CA, it's not so much we're sure you're wrong but certain you're not correct in the belief a a God).
I need coffee now.
hmm i guess i got an answer to my question lol thanks for being straight up and honest. have a good day and god bless(joking)
What I mean, UNstoppable, is, if God does exist, the same guy thats in the Bible- I am NEVER going to worship that.
non believers what if your wrong ?
Actually . . . the only way I could confront that question seriously, is if I could reconcile the moral inconsistencies.
If some of the moral standards of the OT were practiced today . . . you'd get 25 to life. And Christ endorsed the God of the OT. Even the early Christians continued to be morally deficient in my opinion, such as in the descrimination and subjugation of women. Even now, 2000 yrs later some of those standards remain. I watched a BBC world news item this morning on the spat going on in the Anglican church over women in the priesthood. The interviewer made a very good point . . . that if the standards applied by the church were found in any secular organisation, it would be a clear breach of Human Rights, and asses would be getting kicked. So that's about 80% of the worlds religions down the toilet right there.
I haven't found a religion yet that has been able to demonstrate a stable and enduring moral code . . . and morality is something I don't see as complicated. If a reasonable argument was offered that could reconcile this . . . then the question might become relevant.
Otherwise . . . nobody knows God anyway . . . which in itself, is an indictment.
Strange in a way . . . that morality is the weakness. For me at least.
And Christ endorsed the God of the OT.
He endorsed the God of Abraham, Isaac, Israel. This is not the same as endorsing all the ideas that those people might have had about him, and written down. He corrected many misunderstandings, and then taught the correct way.
I hear you on (much of <- added this to the post, to try and avoid a generalization) religion; just wanted to point out the above as to Christ and His Father.
for me there things about god that i personally do not understand or know why he did certain things and for now thats okay with me. i am just thankful that god gave me life and my son and he sent his son for ppl. i understand the thought of god in the old test did this and that. i honestly dont have alot of answers for why he did somethings it would be nice to know.
and for now thats okay with me.
I respect that.