I always carry a Rabbit's foot just in case superstition is correct
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No you don't. You hope there is, you have some subjective evidence that satisfies your own standard of proof.
To say you know is to abuse language yet again.
Why won't believers admit to the need for faith anymore? Its so disingenuous.
Hence the "know" in quotation marks, you cranky ol doger ! ( or is it koger?)
Of course it is faith and it's not hope per say, I mean, I don't HOPE there is an after life, I mean, I don't hope there is life after death like I hope I win the lottery or something like that. If there is an afterlife, great, if not, I'll be dead and it won't make any difference to me.
cofty - Go easy on them. In some cultures when you put thing in quotes like "know" I just means you can substitude it with whatever you want. So "know" = believe.
No need for that, Cofty and I go way back, He "knows" me ;)
Regardless of how I like to debate and argue stuff, I have always made it very clear that. IMO, belief in God is a matter of faith.
Always has been and always will be.
So what if we`re wrong?..
It doesnt change anything..
If there is a God..
He`s not doing much..
....................... ...OUTLAW
Band on the Run
I believe Christ is powerful enough to include nonbelievers. Christianity is too European focused for a world religion. This higher burden for believers reminds me of what I heard in the KH, The reason I could not celebrate birthdays and chastised myself for noticing that the brothers could not read on a fifth grade level.
I refuse to worship any God or god that only has a small, elite group. We make God in our image. Somehow I believe any concept of God has to be more comprehensive.
J. Hofer
i believe everything psacramento says... he knows karate!
anyway... so if we are all wrong? so what? so what if you are wrong? what if all of us are wrong and there's some alien called xenu who tossed a lot of aliens into a hawaiian volcano?
you know, if i'm wrong and jehovah or any other version of the bible god exists, it doesn't really matter. that guy sucks big time. i don't want to have anything to do with him, whether he exists or not. send me to hell if you like to. i have higher standards.
i really just want to get an idea if athiest worry about the afterlife i do not wish to force my beliefs on anyone.
No, we don't. If we did, we probably are not atheists. I fear or worry about an afterlife as much as I fear a monster under my bed. I can't really prove it isn't there (cuz it's invisible if I look) but it is so unlikely as not to cause me any distress at all.
Regardless of how I like to debate and argue stuff, I have always made it very clear that. IMO, belief in God is a matter of faith. - PSacremento