HELP! I've stepped in it now... mast head change - JW response!

by NeverKnew 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Cedars, that is a good quote from the Revelation book p.164. I had not noticed it before and will add it to Jehovah's Prophet.

    NeverKnew, my response would be that it is fine for them to admit mistakes, but then how does that make them different to any other religion that is run by men? How do we know what is right and what is still wrong, and what will soon change?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    My mom tried pointing that article out to me. After we debated a bit back and forth about them saying they're "God's channel" yet they are clearly false prophets... that was going nowhere. So I went directly to reminding her that they still tell the elders that if they hear about an instance of child molestation, elders are instructed to call Watchtower Legal Department first. Until they make it quite clear that the elders, and anyone else, should CALL THE POLICE FIRST, they're still a bunch of imperfect men that don't deserve the measure of authority that they demand. That ended the conversation, since that's one of the things that she still knows is very wrong.

  • NeverKnew

    So, he asked me if I had a copy of the book called "Reasoning from the Scriptures"... I told him I have the internet, I can get anything. He said this book may not be online. (have I mentioned I really love these people?)

    So, three minutes later, I had the sacred writings. Reviewing it now. Not sure what I'm looking at or for...

    Here's one gem that pi$$ed me off....

    If any individuals or organizations claim to represent God but decline to use God's personal name, and make it a practice to express their own opinions on matters, are they measuring up to this important qualification of a true prophet? - Page 133

    What scripture did they use for THAT piece of biblical wisdom....

    They're kidding me, right? *sigh*

  • NeverKnew

    Just because I don't respond to you individually, I'm incorporating as many of your suggestions in my texting dialog with him as I can.

    You guys keep typing, I'm reading, absorbing and incorporating as I go.

  • kepler

    In that quote from Habakkuk 2:3, there are a lot of square brackets to make a round peg fit into a square hole. That has not been an exceptional.

    Over this weekend, I happened to catch the new film "Lincoln". It's worth a topic of its own and I think it already exists. But at the beginning of the film there was a brief incident in which husband and wife petitioners from the state of Missouri interrupt cabinet deliberations about passage of the thirteenth amendment.

    You're from Jefferson City, Lincoln pauses to note. I knew a judge there who had a parrot who was taught to say each morning "Today the world will end as the scripture has foretold." Eventually, the owner, to have some peace shot the parrot. And thus the scripture was confirmed for the parrot.

    From there Lincoln went on to take care of other things, but I thought for a moment of a bird of another feather.

  • NeverKnew

    He's pointing this out to me....

    The apostles and other early Christian disciples had certain wrong expectations, but the Bible does not classify them with the "false prophets."-SeeLuke 19:ll; John 21: 22, 23; Acts 1:6, 7.

    Nathan the prophet encouraged King David to go ahead with what was in his heart regarding the building of a house for Jehovah's worship. But later Jehovah told Nathan to inform David that he was not the one who would build it. Jehovah did not reject Nathan for what he had said earlier but continued to use him because he humbly corrected the matter when Jehovah made it plain to him.-1Chron. 17: 1-4, 15.

  • NeverKnew

    Oh, wait... dumb question.... an expectation is way different than a promise from the Creator Himself.

  • extractor


    Define the difference with your friend between a "prophesy/prediction" and an "expectation". The WT loves to exchange those words as it suits them when they are 2 different things. Second, in the Jan. WT (thanks 00Dad) there was never a prophesy/prediction mentioned in any of those verses they cited. Your buddy will probably cite the same verses. Those were wrong expectations, while the Society has commited false prophesy.

    Show him Deut 18:21 where it says even one false prophesy makes them a Biblical false prophet & should be avoided.

    Then he'll say, "They weren't prophesies, they were just predictions." Then show him the Aug. 15, 2012(?) WT with the mushroom cloud on the cover where they criticize Harold Camping (the May 21st nut). They call his May 21st balony both a "prediction" & a "prophesy". So a prediction is a prophesy.

    I will echo an earlier post. I had a very good friend that I knew long before the WT abducted him. He assured me nothing would ever change between us. He now hates me because I patiently asked him questions he couldn't answer.

    God bless you for trying but prepare yourself... stupid cult.

  • extractor

    ...check your PMs also.

  • NeverKnew


    Folks! There's a crack! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    I'm hearing (via text) a discomfort with the fact that the Reasoning Book written in 1989 says they've never claimed to be prophets while my article sent was written in 1972.

    I'll catch you up on the conversation in a few. He's been at work and so the messaging has been fragmented.

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