HELP! I've stepped in it now... mast head change - JW response!

by NeverKnew 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    He says that he "wanted me to know that the Society has made an admission of guilt and is seeking forgiveness for the things that have been done and said in the past and attempting to make adjustments."

    This is just NOT true. If a member of the congregation committed a WT "sin" and offered an "apology" along the lines of this one as evidence of their repentance, the elders would DF them in a heartbeat.

  • BluesBrother

    Page 8 of the mag is interesting, and will be a comfort to all the faithful who will now accept that the matter is now settled and the Society have dealt with the question of false promises (or expectations).......

    A more objective viewpoint leads one to notice that they have cited in support of their failures, the words of Paul: 2 Thess 2 ,1 & 2 (and let's add vs 3)

    However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of YOU 2 not to be quickly shaken from YOUR reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

    3 Let no one seduce YOU in any manner...........

    So who are the WTS alligning themselves with? The cool, level headed approach of Paul and the apostles who were spirit directed? It seems that they liken themselves to the impetuous hot-heads who were to try and "seduce" the congregation. That is hardly a good example!

    The example of the fire watcher also is flawed. If a look-out calls wrongly once, he is tolerated but if he continually "cries wolf"......he gets the sack! The WTS has repeatedly cried wolf since 1914, 1925 , 1975 " completed within the twentieth century" and now "soon, very soon"

    It just goes to show that a thinking person can have no confidence in them as "God's channel of communication" which they claim to be - instead they show themselves to be just ordinary men who know no more than anybody else. Their vain speculations just come to nought

    [and that is being polite]

  • NeverKnew

    OUCH! 00Dad, are you serious? I thought this is what you're supposed to say when you're trying NOT to get disfellowshipped.

    Hmm.... so, if someone can get the Society to say they're sorry, maybe the elders can scripturally DF the Society. *giggling*

    All these rules.... this is ridiculous. I have never seen/experienced this. It's no wonder why everyone just smiles and swallows everything. :(

    A woman I affectionately call "mom" told me how she called out a priest one day. When the war ended, he told her that she should not be using any form of birth control when her husband got back. She told him she already had kids so if she got pregnant, she was sending the kid to him to raise. She meant it. End of discussion.

  • LostGeneration

    NeverKnew, have you seen this book?

    Pretty good in breaking down the uninspired false prophet mess the WT has gotten themselves into.

  • NeverKnew

    LG, I put it on hold at my local library.

    He just sent the most heartfelt e-mail of defeat saying that he can't change failed predictions in the Watchtowers from years ago and that he hopes that he can try to help me see that they're not false prophets.

    Please know, he's showing no arrogance - only humility. His efforts are so loving and sincere. It's probably hard for him to see it, but mine are too.

    How can an entity do this to people and call itself honorable...

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