HELP! I've stepped in it now... mast head change - JW response!

by NeverKnew 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    It will be interesting to see what his rebuttal will be..........when he's ready......or..... maybe he'll begin to really research with open mind...

    Most JW's problem is they either don't really know their past (history/doctrine/wt articles,books), or, don't really know FULL CONTEXT of scripture (wt cherry picks), or only know what the WTS tells them (which is limited), or misses contradictions WT prints (to cover their ass), or don't research because the WTS says it's wrong to doubt them, or can't see anything because of the eye blinders due to brainwashing......

  • Skbj

    If I may add a comment on the Jan. WT in addition to the great points already made is that with the quote:

    We believe that even more important than focusing on when the end will come, we must be confident that it will come, and we must act accordingly.

    This basically give the WT carte blanche on keeping people in the grasp of their idiocies forever and ever seeing that they don't have to worry any longer about accuracy of dates. It's like the WT invites people into gambling with their lives.

    It's like those people who have played the lottery for years hoping one day they hit the jackpot,

    My auntie has played it evey weekend for the past 40 years, never hit the jackpot and I tell her all the time, if she had saved those dollars over time she would have actually had a good amount of cash like that jackpot she's been chasing.

    Human hope is both a blessing and a curse!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    @cedars, your premise on page one of this thread is your best writing to date! Everyone who has read "Crisis of Conscience" or "In Search Of Christian Freedom" is taught by the late brother Raymand Franz how the Organization plays with words.

    To be certified as a "translator, court" the training is vigerous, "steet slang, legal terms, international Spanish plus Latin American knowledge is a must, if you screw up translating you are thrown out of work! Why are we so gentle with men who are "translating God's Word" into a language garbled up, that could lead to "eternal death"? Terry's analogy of a UN translator hit's right on! What if a nation is dealing with tensions heading for War, and the translator screw's up and insults his enemy, not transmitting the thoughts of the nations leaders?

    Remember in the 1980s when Ronald Reagan made a mistake after hearing a sonic boom, and he said "we are bombing Russia right now!" as he laughed. Moscow was libid, while Reagan had to apologize for his humorous stupdity. Words are life in death with diplomatic relations, Watchtower claims to be the only Ambassadors of Christ, but screw up our Lord's message continually!

    Inspired by God, or "Lead by God" Jehovah's Witnesses are told from infancy when the Big A comes, Jehovah will "guide his followers to safety" Jesus is going to "lead us to the 'waters of life'".

    Watchtower writers are intellectually dishonest, great a prevarication! When Judge Rutherford spoke, Witnesses were told they could take his words to the bank and cash them in the New Order.

    The trial in Scotland and the "words transcribed", are those "copy-righted", they are so very relevant to this thread, we have Fred Franz telling the court, "Jehovah's Witnesses will be disfellowshiped if the don't believe wrong thinking, or falsehoods promoted by the Organization!"

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "we must be confident that it will come, and we must act accordingly"

    If they've been wrong saying when it would come, isn't it likely that they would be wrong about about how "we must act" and what we should be doing with our lives now?

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    You will notice that this “admission” in the January Watchtower starts by asking the question, “Have Jehovah’s Witnesses given incorrect dates for the end?”, and starts the answer with, “Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations …” After that, everything is we do this, or we do that - thus making it a collective admission on behalf of all Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is a typical example of the Watchtower Society shifting the blame from the leadership to the R&F. Had they said something like, “The Watchtower has given wrong expectations etc” then I might have some respect for it, but, unlike didgeridoo, I have absolutely no respect at all for this pusillanimous excuse for an admission that admits nothing from those that need to admit, and has not the slightest hint of an apology.

  • NeverKnew

    Ultimate... VERY good point.

    We communicated briefly last night. He is so sincerely trying to make this make sense... to me and to himself. He says that he "wanted me to know that the Society has made an admission of guilt and is seeking forgiveness for the things that have been done and said in the past and attempting to make adjustments." Also, "All I can do is pray that you and others can see that and forgive and move forward."

    He said he's trying to show me that Jehovah's Witnesses are not false prophets and that he's researching "inspired" vs. "uninspired". My heart goes out to him. He's really trying. I'm not letting up, but this is hard to watch when you love someone.... not that ANY of YOU would know about this. :)

    I'm going to gently push him back to the "admission of guilt with no remorse" and the statement frequently made by the Society about being "God's only channel of communication."

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    "seeking forgiveness"? "forgive and move forward."?

    .......what about those who's been DF'd for questiioning wrong interpetations "accusted of apostasy" and ripped from their families, commited suicide, blood issue or "old timers" knew the real truth about truth would have sacraficed much of their lives, college, work, a life, meager living or millions lied to... . ..AND not to mention the humiliation from shunning from our families we've had to endure.....

    HE NEEDS TO SEE THE REALITY OF THE "HARM" and "DAMAGE" THAT HAS BEEN DONE.......TO MILLIONS OF SOULS......instead of hiding behind a pathetic inexcusable excuse..........

  • NeverKnew

    I'm with you Mindblown. Should I shoot him in the head? *Sigh*

    Here's one of my responses....

    Jesus was clear about attempts to predict Armageddon at Matt. 24:36, Acts 1:7 and instructions to those who are approached with predictions like this are provided at Luke 21:8. Other scriptures, especially seen in Paul's writings, serve to reinforce what Jehovah expects. Again, I haven't seen any allowances for exceptions.

    The Society needs to ask the most forgiveness from Jehovah, Himself. These were JEHOVAH'S instructions that the Society ignored from 1872 until the masthead change of 1995 (that's 123 years of their 140 year existence) - not the world's. Are *we* comfortable looking for a "technicality" to get the Society "off" by researching "inspiration/non-inspiration" or "prediction/prophecy*?" Are you comfortable looking for technicalities to present before God Himself in favor of the Society with respect to HIS requirements? Are you suggesting there's a fallible hole in His law? :-/

    In all of this, be aware of that which I see at 2 Peter 1:19-21 which tells me: ..."no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." Missteps such as these are what has the rest of the world realizing that the Society is, in fact, NOT carried by the Holy Spirit. *Please know that the Society used "prophecy" and "prediction" interchangeably in a fairly recent WT article about Harold Camping who predicted/prophesied Armageddon. Given what scripture says at Matt. 7:2, " For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." ... I need for you to tell me why the Society should not be judged by the same standard they judge? Let me know if you need the article.
  • NeverKnew

    And another (no response from either yet)

    While you're proselytizing, the world is seeing what is happening to the adherents and calling the Society out. This call-out is demanding that they make "adjustments." It's like the world is protecting you from your leadership.

    You are being told you have the most truth, but in the last month, I've seen four changes. 1. F&DS has become the Governing Body (which I knew late summer, but was only revealed quietly to the rank and file a couple of weeks ago) 2. The masthead has disappeared. 3. The baptismal vows may have changed ( I stupidly ask - does everyone have to get re-dunked? Christendom's have been the same for 2,000 years (see Matt. 28:19)) 4. Previous claims of Armageddon are finally acknowledged in a magazine for the public. If the truth keeps changing, I ask myself, how much of it is really truth?
  • NeverKnew

    He may be a little annoyed. I inferred that He wanted me to believe in

    "God's only 'uninspired' channel of communication."

    I'm having a really tough time with the patience thing. I wish I were better at it.

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