We always wave and give some JWs a big hug! Switch the conversation to them, their KIDS and JOB. "OOPS time got away from us..got to go...glad to see you and LEAVE. Afterwards we have quite a few that call us on the phone. Seems to be working OK. Nerve racking at first.
I have been able to help a number of Jws by facebook friending them. I have an alter ego fake fb profile that has emailed juicy tidbits to JWs via FB. I try to get as many JWs to have "GOOGLE ALERTS" set up on Google email. So they get juicy and thought provoking stories directly.
I am carefull to only ask thought provoking questions, never make statements. I never answer the LOCAL Elders calls (caller ID), or answer the door if THEY come by on Saturday at 12:30 pm.
It is actually becomming a little fun to play with the paranoid governing body. They like to paint ex-JWs as bitter, hateful, dangerous, low lifes.
It is easy to be nicer than the Brooklyn Taliban.