Are You Ever Tempted To Talk To JWs When You See Them?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    I did a few months ago. I go to a skating rink that's attached to a main arena. I had a hockey game, and the main arena had JW convention. The JWs filtered into the recreational hockey rink to go to the coffee/food stand. I was waiting in line with 2 JWs. I looked right at the and said,

    "I grew up as a JW."

    Their eyes perked up.

    "I don't believe it anymore. I am so happy I am not in your religion anymore. There are too many things wrong with it, things that don't add up, dates wrong, child sex covered up, and the blood stance is a joke. You all really can accept blood, but you don't realize it. The Society is lying to you."

    They were dumfounded.

    Finally, one of them said, "I'm sorry you feel that way."

    And then, they walked away to the sugar pot area.

    THEN . . . a black brother was watching hockey. He asked me questions about the player's ages and levels. I told him that this was a recreational team of 18-65 year old, class c (beginner) hockey, and no checking (hitting, slamming) was allowed. He said that he was a goalie, a long time ago, and wanted to play again but had 'other commitments' on Sunday. So, we talked about exercise and its importance; as well as how fun hockey was to play. I invited him to join any of the eight teams. He walked away, and another buddy came up to me. We were talking about cults in genearl and how I grew up in one. The black guy came back, overheard what I was saying, and walked away.


  • moshe

    like moths to a flame skeeter- some JWs really do want out- but how to do it? I have had them come up later, too- one of them slipped up and said- i don't believe it either-- and in a flash he was back with his JW group that I had poked, just like you did-

  • Fernando

    I would love to ask a "publisher of the good news" to explain the "good news according to Paul".

    More than half their NWTs roughly 152 references to "good news" are by Paul.

  • Honesty

    What's the use in talking to them?

    It serves no purpose.

    They are under a spell and nothing anyone says to them will break that spell.

    Besides, all they want to do is argue when their false doctrines are exposed.

    I leave them alone which works out better for all concerned.

    It's their business if they want to dedicate their lives to some false prophets.

  • Sauerkraut
    moshe: For me, talkin' to JWs is easy peasy--Here is moshe's car group on Thanksgiving day on 2010- I just showed up at the KH and went through the motions as I remembered them- they let me join them just like I was a JW on vacation, as must happen regularly in FL- but they never asked me, if I was one. The JWs went through the motions of doing field service- but they only talked to a few people and just offered a lame presentation and some literature, that nobody accepted- but they got 2 hours in! They are not the hard hitters in field service that I remember from 25 years ago-- The guy on the left was a little suspicsious of me, wasn't he?

    Moshe, just to be sure, since I don't know all the backgrounds (being new here). You're an exJW and you went out in field service? Just for fun?

  • doofdaddy

    I am so thankful for the shunning arrangement. I DO NOT want to be acknowleged by these strange people on any level. They are so embarrassing...

  • jemba

    Yes mainly to make anti cult statements that they agree with before they realise that Im actually talking about them, I love it when the laugh is on them, I always hope they go away and apply it to their own religious beliefs but I dont think they can make that connection.

  • jookbeard

    I live near a main railway station and see them on street work outside the station a few mornings a week and always on a Saturday, there is one middle aged guy I used to see and I made a point of walking past the station this one morning to pick up a WT from him and we ended up having a good chat for about 20 minutes that was then he told me he was an elder and I went on to explain that I served in a cong in the locality etc , he went through the usual BS about had I thought about going back and how close we are to the end and how bad the World was etc, I explained that I had been born into the WTS and now at 46 since as long as I could remember we have been close to the end, I also explained how disgusted I was that my old cong had welcomed a child abuser with welcome arms into the cong yet I am treated far worse then the paedophile, he asked me how I knew this and I answered that this paedophile was in the British news, he responded that the JW's dont get very good press from the mainstream media and how closely this paedophile will be watched etc.

    Generally I see 2 of them almost every week standing outside this station and very briefly have taken the WT from them but not engaged in any conversation with them, mainly due to the language barrier as they dont speak English particularly well. Me and the elder who leads this group in the mornings are now on nodding terms.

    I welcome conversations with them as the only time I see them is on the street, in the 3 residences I have lived in since 1995 they have only called once, and before that about 4 years ago I almost had a full blown row with a lady I spoke with while she was on the street outside my place of work, I called her a bare faced liar.

  • Butterflyleia85

    if they don't know i'm df then i treat them like any other human... if not I just smile and go about my business... if they choose to talk to me then i will talk to them if not then that's their problem.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Oh, yes. I likes talking to Dubladites.

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