Death of Jesus..the best answer?

by punkofnice 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    OK. I'm not trying to take a stance here (well, I don't think I am.), just pondering things. Thinking out loud if you will.

    I can no longer see why the death of Jesus could be evidence of god's love or a sensible answer to humankind's suffering. Why humans are constantly guilted into feeling that they are sinners and it's our fault. Why we MUST love god or he'll kill/torture us.

    Couldn't god have provided a more perfect way? The slaughter of a Jew on a cross or whatever, seems rather barbaric to me.

    Why didn't god simply just forgive Adam and Eve (if they even existed) and slap the devil?

    Surely god could have thought of a much, much better plan and spared millions of humans suffering throughout thousands of years.

    I am of the opinion that god (if he/she/it/they exist), is a megalomaniaic dunce.

  • jookbeard

    one of the most pointless fables presented throughout the entire Bible. The entire Adam and Eve/ Ransom Sacrifice is all a dangling of a proverbial carrot just like an Amway sales presentation, by the so called God of the OT, if you do this/if you do that, then one day you will have all of these riches/heaven/paradise Earth because God punished the original sinners and so lovingly sacrificed his begotten son so we will all ONE day enjoy all this which he has in store for us, what a load of BS.

  • Satanus

    It sure is successful, though. Go figure. Must be some quirk in the human psyche.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Human sacrifice to absolve sins really isn't a very nice concept.

    It's beyond me how I bought into it for so long...

  • punkofnice

    Jookbeard - Amway. Yes. I get that. Good analogy. Religion seems to be all about carrots, Amway and empty promises.

    Satanus - I thought I had it ALL figured as a dub. Now, it's all utter emptiness.

  • cofty

    Spot the difference......

    Wrathful god - blood sacrifice - god appeased (propitiated)

  • punkofnice

    Still thinking - Yes. I'm still thinking. It all sounds a bit weird to me.

  • punkofnice

    Cofty - the browser I'm on won't let me see the pics so I'll revisit them when I'm home.

  • John_Mann

    The difference in the pics is Jesus are getting a boner while being tortured. Maybe he likes that!

  • cantleave

    The hateful, small minded god created by the tribes people of the middle east, reflects the minds of those who created him. The sad thing is the decendants of those people seem to possess the same mentality as their ancestors.

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