Death of Jesus..the best answer?

by punkofnice 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    entirelypossibe - .........and then those ungrateful grandchildren stop believing in you. I don't know. that's worthy of torture for them methinks!

  • Larsinger58

    hUH? Soldiers go to war and die for their countries. Parents lie down their lives to save their children out of love. What's so hard to understand. People die for causes all the time. This was an opportunity to save billions of people and to get rid of Satan. It had to be done. When you look at and understand the "big picture" then it makes more sense.

    But if someone doesn't appreciate this arrangement, there is no mandate they continue to enjoy the gift of life.

  • cofty

    This was an opportunity to save billions of people and to get rid of Satan.

    An itinerant first century Jewish teacher gets nailed to a cross - billions are saved and an imaginary nemesis called Satan is gotten rid of.

    Please join the dots.

  • perfect1

    Lars are you the new black gay jesus I have heard so much about- if yes, please put me on the guest list of your parties.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Soldiers go to war and die for their countries. Parents lie down their lives to save their children out of love.

    Yes, but they don't do it to pay back some imaginary debt of sin or please one of the many gods.

    And we don't demand that our children sacrifice their lives before we will forgive other people.

    Human sacrifice, before a god will forgive you, is barbaric.

  • tec

    Whatever God does... He does for US. Sometimes because it is what we asked for. Sometimes because He knows what we need, and so does something for our benefit.

    God did not and does not require human sacrifice to appease his "wrath".

    That is a lie.

    I am not going to state that I understand all of it in full... I only understand in part... but I do understand those things.

    Christ accomplished a lot in what He did. He did for us what we ought to do for one another... showed love in laying down one's life for another; forgiving those who wronged him even to the point of killing him, and asking forgiveness FOR them rather than calling down a curse or vengeance. He practiced all that he preached.

    I also know that his blood covers us... covers our sins and protects us from death. (like the lamb's blood on the door protected the Israelites from 'death' in Egypt) The blood of Christ does not protect us from death in the flesh; that comes to all flesh, at least for now... and Christ was always concerned with the spirit; teaching that the flesh counted for nothing. Christ also died in the flesh... but lives in spirit... and He showed that death had no power over Him, and so also no power over any of those who belong to Him.



  • punkofnice

    Lars – I see where you’re coming from. My question really is WHY couldn’t god have done something less barbaric and not condemned innocent people to a short life of pain over thousands of years? It makes me think that if god were so all powerful he’s either a complete idiot or non existent.

    Cofty – Dots joined and it’s an ugly picture.

    Perfect1 – Oooh, a party? Am I invited?

    Still thinking – Barbaric is the word that springs to my mind.

    Tec – I used to think like that. Recently I’ve been taking stock of my life since my JW wife left me due to my ‘apostasy’. Tammy, you express yourself in a lovely way. Peace profound to you.

    My thoughts thus far.

    I have never seen god. If he were real he’d make himself known without a doubt and without the need for separate religions to everyone if he really cares.

    He doesn’t need to see people in torture and torment to make a point.

    He wouldn’t need to confuse everyone with different books and cloak them with vague prophecies that idiots like the watchtower can use for their own ends.

    God never spoke to me with even the slightest word of comfort. EVER!

    Just because I was born in the UK I was raised in a basically Christian environment. If I’d been born in Pakistan I’d likely be a Muslim. If I was born in ancient Greece I’d be worshipping Zeus and so on. Location and year of birth should NOT be any kind of factor in god revealing himself. Why is he so incapable of effectively letting people know hi/her identity?

    Satan is just a red herring in my view. When god fails blame the imaginary devil. How convenient!

    I need evidence and despite prayer and meditation have not received any. In my darkest hour god was never there!

    My conclusion god is either indifferent or non existent.

    …………and………..what kind of perfect entity says ‘Love me or I’ll torture you’?

  • punkofnice

    ....just to add......

    When I have had help it's come from people not god. I know this because the help has come from atheists, agnostics as well as christians.

    Yes. I'm going through a bad time but I'm not going to rely on an imaginary patronising bully. I owe it to myself to stand up for myself. Leaving it to god is a waste of time. He's been a constant let down.

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