Best of luck Cedars, it will most definitely be therapeutic. I agree with Problemaddic, I love Malcom Gladwell writing style, simple and storytelling that anyone can understand.
My advice would be to definitely keep it simple especially if you go over doctrines/organizational stuff so that people who aren't familiar with JW or cults in general can still follow. I picked up a book sometime ago that my husband told me to read and the subject interested me a lot but I was sleeping after one page, it was full of jargon and long ass complex words and it's been on my bedside table for 4 months now (maybe more?). Also, this is a personal preference, I don't know how you feel about it, but I like writers who aren't trying to convince me about something, or that will say this is good or this is bad because...I like someone who discusses a point brings up facts, reasonings, etc but lets me make my own mind up. I like writers that use open question and make me reflect and think about the subject even before I go read further pages.