I've started writing my book...

by cedars 84 Replies latest members private

  • Skbj

    Best of luck Cedars, it will most definitely be therapeutic. I agree with Problemaddic, I love Malcom Gladwell writing style, simple and storytelling that anyone can understand.

    My advice would be to definitely keep it simple especially if you go over doctrines/organizational stuff so that people who aren't familiar with JW or cults in general can still follow. I picked up a book sometime ago that my husband told me to read and the subject interested me a lot but I was sleeping after one page, it was full of jargon and long ass complex words and it's been on my bedside table for 4 months now (maybe more?). Also, this is a personal preference, I don't know how you feel about it, but I like writers who aren't trying to convince me about something, or that will say this is good or this is bad because...I like someone who discusses a point brings up facts, reasonings, etc but lets me make my own mind up. I like writers that use open question and make me reflect and think about the subject even before I go read further pages.

  • cantleave

    Any constructive suggestions in line with the OP would still be appreciated.

    Don't forget to publish a large print and simplified edition!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Deer Cedars,

    Yuu beter lern how to rite 1st. Problim with yuu is yuu is a apistate jW and apistate jWz cant spel gud or make sentenzes. I red yur blogg and it aint no gud and make no senz at owl. Johevoh gonna git yuu for bean a bad riter an an apistate. I tryd to unnerstan yur blogg and it make no senz how yuu gonna rite a buuk? Coll me if yuu wont gud advize...


  • cedars

    lol cantleave! I think you magically get the large print version by changing the type size on your kindle!!


  • Hortensia
    Part personal story, part criticism of the JW's unknown at large practices, and part commentary on what allows people to act against their own conscience and the control of social structure.

    I agree.

    Have you written to some publishers or looked at their websites for writing guidelines? Publishers sometimes post their guidelines for a book proposal, which helps you get it right. Also, I think it's important to write the book proposal first, before writing the book. It helps you to target the right audience and helps you get your thoughts in order. It makes writing the book a lot easier, I can tell you from personal experience. I have some book proposal guidelines on my computer somewhere. Would you like a copy?

    Good luck!

  • cedars

    Thanks Hortensia, yes - I'm taking the "book proposal first" route, but I'm starting one chapter which will be included in the proposal. I've bought a book on how to write book proposals, and it's providing me with some good tips! It's also a good book from a motivational, confidence-building viewpoint.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I loved Barbara Grizzuti Harrison's book b/c it was so personal. In fact, I admired her writing and had no idea she was ever a JW. She seemed one of the last people in the world who would be a JW. She was a feminist figure.

    I forget whether you were born-in or converted. Frankly, I don't think most people are interested in the doctrines.

    You have to have some incredible stories. I would like for someone to describe what it feels like to leave a cult. How do you return to normal?

    I've long admired your writing and have told you so.

    Bon Chance!

  • Chariklo

    My advice would be, take it right from the start, from your own direct experience.

    If you are too general, you won't grab the reader. If you write about your own experiences, keeping it subjective, then the reader wil come to identify with you and will care about the book you.

    That way lies success, and therefore that way lies the possibility of maximum exposure of the JW reality.

    In my view.

  • moshe
    writing in a way that they can hopefully grasp things and empathize with our plight

    cedars, IMO, the only plight the world sees is what JWs do to interfere with their peace and quiet at home-- 9AM Saturday morning- ring, rign, ring , wake up already for us we have our canned spiel to preach to you. They aren't going to emphathize with a group that, well, irritates the heck out of them. The world doesn't care about JWs very much, that much is obvious when the child abuse lawsuits about JW predators produces a collective yawn from the media. In the mind of the world, if you don't want the JWs to beat up on you, then don't let them do it-- walk away already! Don't be a willing doormat. JWs are just boring and very predictable drones, that's the problem. I think the self publish route will be the only avenue for such a book as you have in mind.

  • Chariklo

    On the other hand...and I agree with Moshe if you write a general book...but if you write about YOU...then you have a potential best seller.

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