I've started writing my book...

by cedars 84 Replies latest members private

  • jwfacts

    I regard this as my "unique selling point", namely the fact that this book being written and published will inevitably get me disfellowshipped, since I will be publishing under my real name. This is something I intend to make very clear in the book, namely that I will face consequences for speaking out.

    That is an interesting point. It also lends to a sequel, since people will want to know what happens.

    When I speak with nonJW friends about the religious teachings, their eyes glaze over. When I speak about my life as a JW they find it fascinating and want me to write a book. They love the sex and money related aspects. ie, masturbating and then telling the elders, and feeling like I will die at Armageddon for it. Or how old I was when I lost my virginity. Or working fulltime in Bethel for $20 dollars a week, having come straight from uni and made to clean toilets for the first year.

    The blood and shunning topics are also very powerful.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I think we need an up to date book that may help stop depressed single Mum's and other vulnerable and unhappy people from being sucked into JWdom with the promise of a better life.

    I was an adult convert and read 30 years a watchtower slave, too christian so didnt put me off. I also read "Why I left Jehovah's Witnesses" and finished it thinking she didnt try hard enough and wrote it out of sour grapes.

    Cedars, I love your easy style of writing and personal testimonies are always good with a few intellectually analysed and recent WT gaffs highlighted and referenced may stop another lonely victim being conned.

    I definitely want a copy :D (Love to Mrs Cedars too).

  • Bangalore

    Are you talking about RT Moshe? I got the same feeling reading his posts.


  • Bangalore

    Congrats Cedars.Wishing you all the best.


  • cedars

    jwfacts - you've made some great points there. If I'm going to interest people in what it's like to be a JW, they will want to know ALL the details - not just a sugar-coated summary. I intend to write a chapter on the JW approach to sex, marriage and morality, and how Society doctrines in this regard have impacted on me personally.

    cantleave - sorry to disappoint, but I'll be leaving all the image conspiracy theories for other books and other writers!!

    Amelia - thanks! Bringing things right up-to-date is what I'm aiming for.


  • ilikecheese

    Good luck! I don't post here much, but I always read your posts. You are very interesting and have a lot to say. I'd love to read your book!

  • jemba

    SOLD I will definetely buy a copy.... My fav type of read is the personal story that gets you emotionally involved in the writers journey. Cant wait for a peek at the new release. Good luck Cedars, love your style.

  • transhuman68

    Just make sure you put lots of sex, drugs & rock 'n roll in it, and it will be a best-seller! heh heh heh...

  • LouBelle

    Go for it Cedars. I think there have been some great suggestions. Remember to always send yourself a copy in a sealed envelope - cheapest way to protect your work (cover your intellectual ass) I would suggest that when you do send off your proposal it is done in a clean font, sub the work and make sure that there are no spelling and grammer mistakes (obvious thing I know but you'd be supprised how a little thing like that can turn the nose of a publisher)

    I wish you all the best...I myself am putting together a book of all my written pieces and poetry. I have about 300 pieces and I'm getting them onto a word document. Once that is done I'll be styling it, adding in personal photograpy and doing the artwork for the cover. I have been threatening to do this for many years but feel that the time is right (as it is for you)

    GO FOR IT!

  • Healthworker

    Great, Cedars!

    Seems that you have one buying customer from amazon.com already - me! I dig amazon.com and I like what you write! It has helped me tremendously in learning how to reason with JWS in a balanced way and that may be one reason that I did not get DF. Looking forward to your work!

    Love Healthworker

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