Sent a PM to Cedars with a thought / idea for some content
I've started writing my book...
by cedars 84 Replies latest members private
Cedars, my tip for your book to be special-- is to write extensively about me, ok?
Thanks chaps! I do appreciate the continued support and encouragement. You'll be pleased to know I'm nearly halfway through the first chapter, which will be the sample for my book proposal. I'm finding it a bittersweet process. I love the writing part, but I'm paranoid about making it sound as good as possible, and I find myself proofreading and changing things multiple times, which can get quite tiresome. It's a steep learning curve, but on the whole I'm enjoying it.
Cedars, my tip for your book to be special-- is to write extensively about me, ok?
I'm glad you mentioned that. I already have ideas, including an entire chapter on your distressing mattress predicament!
Thanks for your suggestion. I intend to plan for the repercussions and incorporate these into my book as much as possible. Great minds think alike!
Interviews may well play some part, depending on circumstances. If I get a decent advance, I may well invest some of it in visiting a few individuals in person! I do appreciate your own offer. I'm always interested in hearing people's stories, whether I end up writing about them or not. Feel free to email me with the general gist of your experience. It's [email protected]...
James Brown
I really do appreciate your careful thought regarding my project. I think I will stick with plan A (the book proposal) for now, and if that fails I can always resort to plan B (writing the book anyway, and maybe going down the self-publishing route). If I go with plan B, I may well choose a pen name and forget the whole "disclosure" idea. My idea to go out with a bang would only really work if I achieve decent circulation, which is why I'm giving this project everything to make the book as attractive as possible for a potential publisher.
Good for you, Cedars. It'll be a good book, if we can go by everything else we've seen from you. :)
mind blown
Congrats.........raised glass
Do it Cedars- I'm behind you 100%!
You are right that it is well trod path ... yet everyone brings a unique perspective and voice. That is valuable. Good luck! I can't wait to read it.
It's better than nothing, for starters.
- I may well choose a pen name and forget the whole "disclosure" idea.
dang it, and you were so close to getting a hero's medal-
Thanks moshe. Witty as ever.