Looking After Widows and Orphans... and Spending One's "Riches"

by AGuest 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    As Band said...

    All of the following sites give a totally different meaning to the term "seraphim" than that which AGuest has fancifully cobbled together from superficial reading of 'new-agey' unfounded pseudo-mysticisms...




    n.pl.ser·a·phim (--fm) or ser·aphs
    1. A celestial being having three pairs of wings.
    2. seraphimChristianity The first of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology.

    [Back-formation from pl. seraphim , from Middle English seraphin , from Old English, from Late Latin seraphn, seraphm , from Greek serapheim , from Hebrew rpîm , pl. of rp , fiery serpent, seraph, from rap , to burn; see rp 1 in Semitic roots.]

    You'll notice that they reference the characteristic of snake venom to BURN, in that quote... Hence the "fiery" aspect. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/seraphim.aspx

    seraphim the living creatures with six wings of Isaiah 6, in early Christian interpretation taken to be a class of angels. OE., ME. seraphin, later seraphim (XVI) — biblical L. seraphim, -in ( = Gr. seraphím, -pheím) — Heb. s e raphim, pl. of saraph.

    And again from Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seraph The word seraphim, literally "burning ones", transliterates a Hebrew plural noun; translation yields seraphs. The singular, "seraph", is more properly rendered sarap. The word sarap/seraphim appears three times in the Torah (Numbers 21:6-8, Deuteronomy 8:15) and four times in the Book of Isaiah (6:2-6, 14:29, 30:6). In Numbers and Deuteronomy the "seraphim" are serpents - the association of serpents as "burning ones" is possibly due to the burning sensation of the poison.[2] Isaiah also uses the word in close association with words to describe snakes (nahash, the generic word for snakes, in 14:29, and efeh, viper, in 30:6).

    The Isaiah vision of seraphs in an idealised Jerusalem First Temple represents the sole instance in the Hebrew Bible of this word being used to describe celestial beings."... I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and His train filled the Hekhal (sanctuary). Above him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew." (Isaiah 6:1-3) The seraphim cry continually to each other, "Holy, holy, holy, is YHWH of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory." (verses 2-3) One seraph then carries out an act of purification for the prophet by touching his lips with a live coal from the altar (verses 6-7). The text uses the word "seraphim" but adds no adjectives or modifiers emphasising snakes ("nahash," etc.). At the same time the description gives the creatures both human and avian attributes. A strong association with fire, though, is maintained.
    So again, what part of: "The word seraphim, literally "burning ones", and "The text uses the word "seraphim" but adds no adjectives or modifiers emphasising snakes ("nahash," etc.). At the same time the description gives the creatures both human and avian attributes. A strong association with fire, though, is maintained." Do you NOT get??? Considering that serpents and 'dragon' iconography are nearly ALWAYS considered EVIL in the bible, your bizarre assertions that somehow 'snakes/draco' have suddenly become THE SAME THING AS ANGELS, is wildly out of touch with what the bible really teaches, to say the very least.

  • Chariklo

    Oh, really, zid, look beyond the words, can't you?

    Can't you?


  • NewChapter

    I, too, find paganism more honest than the god idols of most religions. I mean, they (pagans) look to nature and the earth. And this make the MOST sense to me, as that which appeals to the FLESH. None of the others do. But that is because they purport to appeal to the SPIRIT. They don't, though, in all honesty. To the contrary, they confuse the spirit... and as well as the flesh.

    Well then let's focus on these words. In one paragraph all pagan religions were dismissed as not being spiritual, but fleshly. I suspect a pagan would strongly disagree with this, don't you? And worse, not only do they confuse the spirit, they confuse the flesh! In other words, one religon is better than the other, and the other is a kind of counterfeit not in touch with the spiritual. Doesn't matter what the pagans think. They are confused.

    And yet even Pagans look after the widows and orphans, and since they are confusing flesh and spirit, the evidence is that those things have nothing particularly to do with the Christian god.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Words are important. They convey ideas. Within a group of language speakers, words convey universal meaning. We would be prehistoric without words and literacy.

    Those who favor "AGuest" believe words are not important. Her language, use of putdowns such as "girl" and other crassness, do not matter. I would argue that the other side does not have clean hands.

    We are forced to use words on this forum to communicate. It is strange that one follower insists on defining words to her advantage while yet another followers insists we forget words. Unless we live on Stark Trek with Troi, words matter.

    This is not a debate about words but world views. The title of this thread promised a discussion of how a community cares for its own. Every community has this debate. Jews and Muslims do great philantrhopic works. For countless years, Christians have endevaored to follow these commands. It is about community per se, not what one troubled dingaling believes.

    AGuest invites us to relish her words. Yet her words are so inadequate. Zid disagreed and now words are not good. Where is the debate about how we apply this commandment in our own lives? It was a wasted opportunity. Atheists also do great works. Her status as divine oracle derailed yet another discussion that might have made a difference.

    When I talked with Madeleine L'Engle after reading one of her books, The Glorious Impossible, I mentioned that everytime an angel pops up, the humans is terrified beyond belief. She said this is the actual reading. I did check the scriptures and she is correct. An angel visitng you is not comforting. Seraphs are not cool Christmas decorations or Victorian illustrations. Their very demeanor will scare all the wits out of you. Zid's illustrations are scary.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Oh, the ignorance... f

    Well, let's be fair. That kind of IS the bread and butter, the meat and potatos, the ham and eggs of Christianity.

  • ziddina

    Ignorance equals bacon and eggs??? Damn, no wonder I stopped eating bacon...

  • ziddina
    "...Think of it: you think me an imposter, yet you consider me more dangerous than, say, the WTBTS..." AGuest, page #6, post #10018

    Wrong yet again.

    You aren't significant enough to be "dangerous". You're simply bloated with your own self-importance, followed around by a group of people about as delusional as you.

    But it is amusing to watch you dream up your own interpretation of my "thoughts" - or your special version of "facts" - and then attempt to present your inaccurate ramblings as if they were "reality"...

  • tec

    followed around by a group of people about as delusional as you.

    Lol... wonder if anyone knows why I find that statement to be so amusing.



  • ziddina

    And to cleave a bit more closely to the alleged "topic"...

    No where in your OP did you mention or present PRACTICAL means by which to offer REAL assistance to people in need. Your idea of "help" apparently consisted of offering YOUR OWN special little versions of "reality" as "riches"...

    "... "Come! Take 'life's water'... which 'water' is holy spirit... is FREE!"

    We who have received it already did so (received it) for free. Now, we must "spend" that "gold"... and give it to others, those who are wishing, thirsting, hungering... asking... free! ..." AGuest, OP

    Nope, no constructive offers of MATERIAL assistance there - just YOUR special little version of "life's water"....

    Now, THAT'S rich!!!

  • Lozhasleft

    You aren't significant enough to be "dangerous". You're simply bloated with your own self-importance, followed around by a group of people about as delusional as you.

    Lol, looking back at the pages on this thread this has to be the ultimate irony. Loz x

    Edited cos my Ipad corrected ' at the' to ' atheist' lol.

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