Silly me. I assumed you were talking metaphorically about capitol punishment....
Capital punishment?? No, you really were assuming, there. I would have been more than happy to further clarify, though, had you asked. But that's right - some folks have all the answers (and so don't need to ask). Except maybe about whether the Maasai kill lions or not...
I shall return to not caring :)
Return denotes have already been there at least once. You have not been "not caring", so... But I implore you... TRY. Please.
Again, I said that history has taught us what we are at our best AND what we are at our worst. I didn't say anything about 'lessons'.
"Taught" denotes someone learning. What's learned... is a "lesson". What I stated is that we apparently haven't learned whatever lesson it was that YOU believe history has "taught" us. What's the confusion here?
I'm talking about knowledge.
So am I. Knowledge denotes understanding. And, apparently, "we" (from the "us" you mentioned)... haven't received the understanding... knowledge... that YOU think we have. "We"... as in humankind. Now perhaps a few individuals have learned some things... some lessons... but "we" the species? Not so much.
From a purely human standpoint, we have learned about ourselves, and as time passes, we learn more. Love has nothing to do with spiritual laws---that is just your way of kidnapping the concept and making it fit your agenda.
Now, see, here's the thing: some, including myself, would say that we have learned that love has EVERYTHING to do with spiritual laws. That that is the "knowledge"... WE... have. And we learned it... by learning about ourselves... as such was revealed to us spiritually. Indeed, I am willing to wager that more would say that... than wouldn't. Where, then, does put what you assert?
I have a cousin that is a zookeeper. They used to be more controlling of animals, when they wanted them on the scales, or needed to care for them. But they've changed their ways. Instead, they now learn the behavior of the animals and work with it. So instead of picking one up, possibly tranquilizing it, and putting it on the scale, they will learn what they can do to cause the animal to naturally stand on the scale. Now do they then reason, "Oh, we taught that animal to get on the scale?" NO. because they didn't. The animal did what came natural to them, and they worked with it. In essence, the animal trained THEM, and at least they know that.
Had they understood that animals think to begin with... that each has its own spirit and personality... they could have skipped the whole controlling with tranquilizers part to begin with. And had they ASKED... they could have understood this... had KNOWLEDGE of it... long, long ago. Guess what? A whole LOT of people got THAT one... long, long ago. Why? Because they condescend to acknowledge that, just like us, animals are spirits. Just in different vessels. Your cousins colleagues (and perhaps s/he herself/himself) didn't go that far. They considered these fellow spirits as "dumb" (as in unintelligent) and so operated on that basis. A mistake. So, sure, they know that they motivate an animal to make the choice they need it to NOW... but, again, they COULD have known that about 6,000 years ago. Noah did.
That's very similar to what you are trying to do. You want to say that what comes natural to humans, love or whatever, was somehow taught to them from some law given by a non-existent entity.
No, I'm not saying that - history says it. And science corroborates it. Again, put a couple of two-year-olds in a room with one toy...
But you are just taking advantage of what is already human nature and giving the credit for that to some invented character.
That's YOUR take. It's an error... but you are entitled to have it.
See---people love---that's proof that god exists and put that love there. No it isn't.
Seeing people love is no more proof to ME that God exists... than seeing people hate and kill one another is indication that He doesn't (which it IS to YOU). CHRIST is proof to ME that God exists. As he is recorded to have said, so that people like you... who DON'T see God can know HOW to... "If you see ME (him), you see God." I see him... so I KNOW God exists. I mean, don't you folks say, "Seeing IS believing"? I see. So I believe.
That is proof that humans love, and people have opportunistically taken that and said it was their gods or god that put it there.
Some people, yes.
No. It was there. Along with other good things, and many bad things too.
If what you say is true, then you have just completely debunked every argument I can think of for the possibilty of human evolution. Because you are saying that humans... homo sapiens... were always there, as well. Or... that their predecessors... even the most primitive... always loved. Or did love evolve, too? If so... then it WASN'T there... was it?
Long before there was tithing, there was charity and community effort.
Well, yes, there was! That was the POINT of the Law that instituted tithing! The Israelites, having lived among the Egyptians for centuries... FORGOT about charity and community effort! They FORGOT how to treat one another, their brother, their neighbor, strangers, their enemies. That was the POINT of the Law: to give them something to LOOK at... to REMIND them. But their hearts were SO hard, not even the Law written on STONE by the hand of GOD... made a difference! Why? Because... unlike the people of the nations who "do by nature the things OF the Law"... these... had no NATURAL affection. Which is the case for MOST of mankind. Affection is not NATURAL to them... and so they need LAWS to guide them. Again, for some civil laws, for some religious laws... and for some, spiritual laws.
Humans lived in foraging bands, and they took care of each other.
And never attacked or were attacked by any others. No, because they knew BETTER. Okay.
Nobody had to tell them to do that.
They banded together for PROTECTION... not for LOVE. The love... developed... after they came to know one another... IF they came to know one another and IF it developed at all.
It was beneficial to the entire band.
Yes. Because of the OTHER bands that threatened them. You think one member of the band could rely on another member to have his back when a marauding band came along... if they HADN'T formed some kind of bond? Had they treated one another poorly, then each would have been on his/her own when enemies came ("What, help YOU? Girl, I ain't helping you - you broke my best cooking pot last week... and never even offered to replace it! You know what I'm talkin' 'bout - the one tribal leader Hamalek gave me for being his favorite... with all the little copper thingies on it... You got pissed 'cause I'm his favorite and he made you get out of his bed for me. So, I don't care what happens to you! I mean, unless you wanna give me that obsidian and bronze bracelet and nose ring set he gave YOU for cooking his goat just like he likes it. Otherwise, they can rape your hiney, for all I care! Matter of fact, if you keep lookin' at me like that, I just might tell 'em where you hidin'!").
Think, NC... THINK.
It wasn't until city/states came in with their agricultural gods that the balance was knocked out. Where some could attain wealth and privilige at the expense of their fellow humans. Social stratification developed---class systems. Amazingly, the gods followed suit!
Worship of gods existed long, long before that. Mass habitation is what led to the exploitation of that worship, yes. Hence, Tehran and Abraham, were told to leave Ur. Although Egypt was also ensconced in poly-idolic worship, it wasn't as bad - they maintained SOME knowledge of JAH and so Abraham and company fared better spiritually in Canaan than he would have in the East.
Love has nothing to do with gods other than humans created all gods and gave them human attributes.
Again, that is your take. And an error.
Humans, through evolution, are the authors of love.
Well, they might want to consider a rewrite...
Not gods.
Well, not the false ones, no.
Humans are also the authors of gods.
Some gods, MANY gods, yes. The MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... no.
As to the violence and so forth. Well just check out our primate cousins. Gratefully we have higher cognitive abilities and can fight against these tendencies.
Can, yes. Do? Not so much. Now why IS that... I mean, since WE... and not God... are love?
Gods don't make that possible,
For most, no. Because their gods don't exist. They're false. And so they CAN'T make it possible... or effectuate it at all.
but humans have that potential. Some live up to it better than others.
Yes, we do! Yes, they do! Some... "by nature." Others... by law. Again, civil... religious... or spiritual. And spiritually speaking, love... is the law. The ONLY law.
Those that cling to biblical teachings don't live up to it, because the god portrayed there does not live up to it.
I would totally agree. But then, I don't believe the Bible is an adequate source to teach love. It can help folks develop a FORM of it, perhaps. But only One can teach it completely... to its utmost fulfillment. And he does not exist in the Bible.
But it's getting better.
I think that would depend on who you ask. YOU don't have bombs dropping on YOUR home, so...
That doesn't mean it's perfect, because perfection is a false concept when it comes to human behavior.
Again, we agree. If, though, we never attain to perfection... we are doomed to continue repeating our "mistakes." Over... and over... and over... again. Which is what history TRULY tells us is the case. There is no way, however, that we CAN attain to perfection... on our own. Also, our understanding of what "perfection" is... is inaccurate.
As is the teaching that we fell from some perfect state into this wretchedness.
I don't believe that, either. Goodness, you assume a LOT when it comes to what [you think] I believe. And wait, what "wretchedness"? We're doing better, right? So, while it might be bad, surely it isn't "wretched." Right?
Agreed. It is an untrue and totally inaccurate of what occurred. I realize many believe... and teach... it to be true. I do neither. Please... stop lumping me among those whose beliefs you apparently are so as to make the erroneous assumptions you often do. Find out what I DO believe... and then go from there.
We are what we are, good and bad, and it has nothing to do with gods.
You are absolutely right: what we ARE has nothing to do with God(s). What we WERE certainly did, though... and what we can be again absolutely does.
Again, peace to you.
A slave of Christ,