...Best at describing reality.
In respect of the question?
hmmm. I don't know.
Tell you what, though, I sometimes think we are not as knowledgeable as our ancestors. You'd think we were, with all the computers, space exploration etc. But are so specialised, nowadays.
We have TV's, computers, electric washing machines, cars, trains, you name it, we have it. but can we all make one?
Yes, I know some of you can, amongst the membership there will be specialists of every sort. Even I have things I excel at, but I can't mend a TV or understand propelry how the pictures fly through the air....I'm using that example deliberately as one or two people objected to it in another thread, but it's my example and it works for me!
As mankind got better at things, specialists emerged, such as a blacksmith or a wheelwright. But still, even very recently, most of us could do mostt hings. With industralisation and particularly in the technological age, specialisation has galloped ahead.
So, which is best from the options in the thgread title????....er.... hang on a m,inute? Who says this is an either or? Su[ppose we were created as blobs and evolved into where we are now? Which would we be?
I reckon we are probably, maybe, perhaps, both things at once!