So, I had a thought about wicked spirits lately...

by sd-7 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    The whole reason I even got dragged into this JW stuff, and we didn't just become somebody's return visit they never came back on, is because my mom claimed that the demons were talking to her. They told her that the JWs knew the truth about them, so she called the local Kingdom Hall. Bible study was started, and that was that. There the foundation was laid for the beastly, tower-like individual hiding behind a computer known as sd-7.

    You know, now that I brought this up, I never did bother to ask her if she was still hearing any voices nowadays. She sometimes said dreams would come back up that I suppose she was implying were somehow connected. Interesting thought. But to my knowledge, my mom is perfectly sane, just had an abusive dad with probably undiagnosed PTSD and a drinking problem, but otherwise, fine.

    So, it raises some questions for me about these demons. During that infamous family intervention just a couple of days before my DF'ing announcement in 2010, I think my mom suggested that perhaps you folks are actually demons, typing away on your demonic, wireless keyboards, no doubt with free FiOS...boy am I jealous, by the way.

    Now, from what she said, these demons talked to her, made jokes, presumably threatened her, maybe even told her stuff she could not otherwise have known herself or possibly even stuff about the future. I compare that to the story that is often the measuring stick of evil, 'The Exorcist'. I mean, I've never seen it and have no plans of checking it out in the future, some people even claimed the events of the movie happened in our field service territory, and that nobody could build a house there for that reason. (Though the demons apparently allowed a lovely garden with a gazebo for some reason. So they could put their feet up after a long day of plotting ways to make that elder's car break down or make that lovely lady at work finally make her move on him?)

    So anyway, a thought came to mind with all this. I mean, how is it that people can hear demons, the worst things in the universe, talking to them, and yet God still won't have a conversation with us? Worse yet, rather than throwing Satan like, halfway across the universe, he manages to aim specifically for the planet Earth and throw millions and millions of demons right down here, with mankind. Was it not enough that we grow old, get sick, and die? What's the deal with that?

    Also, now think: there are millions of invisible spirit creatures walking/floating among us right now. Add further that if the JWs were the true religion, and the WTS' words are true, God offers no protection to individual JWs, only to the group as a whole. So...why is it that pioneers don't just get run over by cars, or slip down the stairs and crack their heads open, or touch a rail that has been seeded with a horrible virus and die in 24 hours? These are beings presumably so powerful they can alter the weather. So...why use the Internet, movies, bad association, stuff that often takes YEARS to actually have a chance at working? Knowing they probably don't have that much time left and all, why wouldn't they just start slaughtering individuals who were their enemies? Is there a titanic invisible battle going on right now behind me, with a demon trying to slash my throat open and an angel grappling him for like, weeks at a time? Or the opposite?

    Again, so if we have to worry about avoiding horror movies, ouija boards, palm readers, tarot cards, video games with magic in them, etc., for fear that demons will take over our homes or our minds, how is it that reading the Bible and doing all this Christian stuff doesn't result in us hearing a voice from God?

    I may be wrong. Or there may be some alternate explanation for all this that I'm just not able to quantify. Clearly, though, the fear of these beings was greatly exaggerated, else we would hear stories every day of demon attacks shutting down the freeway or something. Which would suck.

    I know I used to have a recurring dream of a transparent form floating over me, choking me, and then I'd pray to Jehovah and it would float away and I'd wake up. The dream had some variations--one time it tried to show me what I somehow thought were magic spells on a screen with red text and invited me to learn them (I refused), a few times it took the shape of a naked woman and we did some really unmentionable things. One time it took me and started floating into the air, but then it let go and I looked up and saw what might've been stars but were really gold-colored. But mostly it was the choking.

    After I awakened about the JWs, I just decided to start fighting this invisible form, and went away and the dreams stopped. I thought maybe I had another one somewhat recently, but I can't even remember it, so... But I figure it was all just a recurring dream. Maybe it meant something to my subconscious, but...why would a being that powerful have any trouble taking over a fragile human mind, right? It'd be easy, no magic words or names would just repel them; it's not like they just can't pronounce the name of God or something (oh wait, maybe they know the correct pronunciation!).

    Well, I've certainly started to think maybe they're not real, after all, but...I've no interest in testing that theory in more detail. It does seem like kind of a final frontier of sorts, but...the worst I'll do is read books that might have a wizard in them or something, or play a video game with magic in it. I know the Sparlock trend has come and gone (here's hoping there'll be a real sequel someday), but I kinda wish there was a Sparlock video game. That would be cool. I could see that on the Wii. Tangent...

    So, your thoughts?


  • sd-7

    Whoa. Didn't realize this was so long. Must be why my Beast-Tower article got so few replies...


  • GromitSK

    What was the question again? :)

  • sd-7

    Ha, GromitSK! It was a number of questions rolled up into one long rant...just wanted some thoughts on the subject in general.


  • Malsonilla

    Beautifully written piece, sd-7. Thoughtful, logical, funny, and on point. I don't know anything about you, but you are either an atheist or agnostic, and if not, you will be.

    You've taken the bullshit mind-bending teachings of the Bible and its twist-masters, the WTBTS, layed it all out in clever arrangement that raises more questions than they could ever answer, even if they wanted to take a crack at answering.

    Does the "sd" in sd-7 stand for San Diego by any chance?

  • sd-7

    Malsonilla--Thanks. I think I'm part agnostic, part atheist, and strangely still part Christian. I like to call it Skeptnostitian, to cover it all.

    'sd-7' is a reference to the TV show 'Alias', which had an SD-6 organization, it stood for 'the Sector that Doesn't Exist'. It was an appropriate name at the time I chose it, when I was still a double agent (not a very good double agent, though, as I was quickly caught and disavowed).


  • Malsonilla

    I will also offer this: I was so terrified of demons from early childhood on, that it created an intense anxiety in me that caused all sorts of emotional and mental challenges, exaserbated common sleep paralysis I was misinformed to be demon attacks, and during one long year of my life ocurred almost nightly. The advice from elders and other JW's to call out Jehovah's name rarely, if ever, helped. The turmoil subsided during my long kiss goodnight to the WTBTS, its teachings, as I slowly drifted toward the light, relief, and freedom of heart and mind that atheism provided me. No God? No demons. No sin? No need for a savior or redemption. No demons? No fear. No fear? Movies about demons such as the exorcism only makes me think of my first wife, and not any invisible wrathful gremlins who sit on top of me when I sleep trying to get at my pee pee and make me kick kittens into box fans.

  • sd-7

    Funny. I like that. Good for a chuckle.


  • Chariklo

    I heard a lot about demons during my relatively brief time with the JW's. the JW's I knew were all terrified of them, which really, if they trusted in Jehovah, they shouldn't have been, but still...

    One sister I knew made an income buying stuff in local auctions and selling it on eBay. She and her husband , an elder (but one of the nicer ones) told me how,very occasionally, they realised demons had come into the house with an item bought from an auction. They were able to tell, they said, and they had to burn or destroy it straight away.

    That set me thinking. If the item wasn't burnable, say they smashed it and put it out in the bin, would the demons kind of climb out and attach themselves to the bin? Cling to the largest smashed piece? Come off the item and stick with the person doing the trashing, or skip across the carpet and settle down in a comfy new home? I mean, you'd think any self-respecting demon would have the wit to bail ship when they saw the hammer falling, wouldn't you?

    I never dared ask.

  • perfect1

    There is no God, but there are many gods, and many sub classes of other lesser entities, who like attention but really dont care about you unless you are invoking them or doing something. I am an athiest, but I see ghosts, and own divination methods which I use occasionally.

    I would say the form above you was a real experience, I have had something similar myself, but why should a demon bother you- unless they smell fear like sharks smell blood. My good friend believes the Wt is actually the organization of a snake demon which you can feel when you sit in the KH. And why not.

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