So the FDS does not include the apostles. What part of the gospels aren't food at the proper time? Or am I just mixed up on who the FDS are.
Let me get this straight about the FDS latest thinking
by wha happened? 55 Replies latest watchtower bible
No, the apostles aren't included. Matthew 24:45, rather than just being a parable, was actually a prophecy about Christ choosing Rutherford and his associates in 1919. The apostles are held aloft as the reason for the FDS to be a small group of men wielding authority over vast numbers of people, but that's where the connection ends.
So what about the 1st century governing body? (without capitalization) Did they exist?
We all know how they love to reference that, and then refer to the modern Governing Body... (with capitalization)
What a mess....
I wonder if in new literature they will just use FDS instead of GB. Should be something to keep an eye out for in 2013 and beyond...
They haven't addressed how the FDS = the GB in 1919 when the GB did not come into existence until 1971.
I guess silly little things like facts don't really matter in WT "theology."
moggy lover
We know that the present day Watchtower Leadership is clear about there being no FDS in the first century. But was there a GB at that time? They have not make that very clear and I think there is where the confusion lies.
What role did the apostles and their sidekicks play in the first century? If they were a GB, what role did they play? It could'nt be providing food at the proper time, since that is the work of the FDS, who did not exist back then.
Evidently their task was as religious idiologues whose main task was to define what was to be believed, and to ensure unity/conformity by being empowered to expel dissenters. Thus, no actual food at the proper time was cooked, and the rank and file were not encouraged to be hungry.
Lost Generation - there was never a First Century "governing body", with or without capitalization. There was the apostles and the older men - two distinct groups of individuals SOMETIMES working together to solve especially tough problems. If God wanted us to think of them under a collective noun, he was more than capable of inspiring his writers to describe them in such a way.
He didn't.
Furthermore, there are marked differences between the way the "apostles and older men" operated in the first century, and the way the Governing Body works today. For one thing, they weren't afraid to write at some length about their decision-making process regarding the circumcision issue, whereas Governing Body meetings are cloaked in secrecy.
No, the apostles aren't included. Matthew 24:45, rather than just being a parable, was actually a prophecy about Christ choosing Rutherford and his associates in 1919.
And immediately after being "chosen" - Rutherford & Company falsely prophecied that the final conflict would begin in 1925.
Jesus skipped over the original 12 apostles to pick this bunch - who made a blatantly FALSE PROPHECY within months of being "picked".
Rutherford himslef had to say: "I made an ass out of myself".
It would be laughably pathetic if around 7 million people were not slavishly following this idiocy.
It presupposes that Jesus returned in 1914 and the time of the end started. It supposes that the Governing Body was appointed the Faithful Slave in the magic year of 1919. It supposes that the question “Who is the Faithful Slave?” would be a burning question on people’s minds.
If the Governing Body had been asked if they were the Slave last year, they would have said, “We are not the Slave, we only represent the Slave.” And by current teachings, they would have denied the identity of the Slave.
So for the first 93 years of the Slave's existence, nobody knew who the Slave was, not even the Slave.
They haven't addressed how the FDS = the GB in 1919 when the GB did not come into existence until 1971.
I guess silly little things like facts don't really matter in WT "theology."
They have already dodged this bullet by avoiding using the term "Governing Body" to directly identify the FDS. Instead they have worded it to mean "a small group of anointed brothers during Jesus’ presence serving at Watchtower Headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food", which could obviously encompass either the pre-GB Board of Directors OR the modern Governing Body. Very clever.
What I AM looking forward to is hearing them try to explain in the magazines how a "one off" selection in 1919 became a rolling succession over many decades.
My guess is that their reasoning will involve some form of "apostolic succession" theology, which the Society has already refuted using an entire section in the Reasoning Book.