Quite a few creationists use the comparison of stuff made in factories compared to our bodies or whatever. That things we have were made is obvious. However, that our bodies, animals or plants were manufactured is not so obvious. Tracing back their origins, everything originated from seed or something along that line, and then grew. Manufacture has some aspects that are similar to parts of growth processes. However, manufacture is crude and a vastly smaller process than is natural growth. Growth and manufacture are two fundamentally different processes.
Growth is a process that works from the inside out, like a fractals, or crystals do. Cars, for instance, don't do that. They don't pop off new cars. What is more, growth is an ongoing process.
Further, a manufactured object like a car can be traced back to a factory. Living things have also been traced back to their origins. That is exactly what darwin did. The result was evolution theory. While the ultimate source of earth life hasn't been pinpointed, as of yet, it could be, soon. No manufacturer has yet been found for any of the earth life forms. Everything is outgrowth of previous iterations.
I suspect that the earth itself may be found to be the source of earth life, originally. If that proves to be so, that still leaves a creator, a god out of the loop. It also would allow one to trace 'life' and ourselves, through the earth and then, back to from where the earth originated. Scientists have done quite a lot in that area. The trail goes all the way back to the big bang. Basically, the universe itself, if regarded from the outside, would be seen to GROW, under a growth process, instead of a MANUFACTURE process. So, there is still no sign of a maker. There are only natural processes. The universe could be said to be organic. Further, scientists have divined that there are a few laws along which things grow.
Creationists will jump to the next fall back position and demand from where these univsersal laws originated. They use these few laws as evidence that there must be a lawgiver. That is looking at things in a back to front order. Those laws are a result. They are results of random crashing and banging that churns out universes. Viable universes are viable because they just happen to contain laws that work toward their survival. Then, as in our universe' case, those laws are the fields for growth. Full circle, it goes. We are part of the system, not separate from it.