Why Isn't the USA the Safest Country in the World With All the Guns

by RubaDub 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    It's time to stop even trying to counter these NRA bullying talking points. They're BS. It is time to get to the actual facts - too many are dying due to guns. How-many-angels-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin arguments are over-due to be retired in favor of common sense solutions.

  • tootired2care

    It's time to stop even trying to counter these NRA bullying talking points. They're BS. It is time to get to the actual facts - too many are dying due to guns. How-many-angels-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin arguments are over-due to be retired in favor of common sense solutions.

    It's also time to stop listening to all of dumb liberal leftist BS arguments propaganda and half measure propositions that just compound problems instead of solving any of them.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    It's also time to stop listening to all of dumb liberal leftist BS arguments and half measures that just compound problems instead of solving any them.


    What do you propose we do, Bizzy? I'm all ears, respectfully.

    BTW, the NRA are a bunch of extremist, braying jackasses.

  • Berengaria
    It's also time to stop listening to all of uninformed liberal leftist BS arguments proganda and half measure propositions that just compound problems instead of solving any of them.

    Oh please do enlighten me to even one of the "uninformed liberal leftist BS arguments proganda and half measure propositions" that have been proposed. Please, as a liberal, I'd love to know what it is we are proposing.

  • EntirelyPossible


    What do you propose we do, Bizzy? I'm all ears, respectfully.

    BTW, the NRA are a bunch of extremist, braying jackasses.

  • tootired2care

    Oh please do enlighten me to even one of the "uninformed liberal leftist BS arguments proganda and half measure propositions" that have been proposed. Please, as a liberal, I'd love to know what it is we are proposing.

    Great society. (there is still a lot of poverty last time I checked)

  • Berengaria

    LOL and what exactly does the Affordable Care Act have to do with this discussion? Or the question I posed above? Or your silly statement?

  • Finkelstein
  • tootired2care

    It has everything to do with it. Liberals just like to feel warm and fuzzy inside that they are doing something/anything for a given issue even though the proposed solution is a one (left) sided train wreck and really isn't going to help. The same tired liberal mantra of gun control is not gonna do here, we need a hollistic solution to this problem that involves more than just more gun control, some fresh ideas and debate are what is needed.

  • BizzyBee

    It's also time to stop listening to dumb right-wing BS propaganda that just compound problems instead of solving any of them.

    Time to quit letting the NRA gun nuts call the shots (no pun intended).

    People in this country are getting tired of being bullied by the NRA and their stupid arguments.

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