Why Isn't the USA the Safest Country in the World With All the Guns

by RubaDub 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria


    Love LB

  • EntirelyPossible

    LOL and what exactly does the Affordable Care Act have to do with this discussion? Or the question I posed above? Or your silly statement?

    Yeah, I am genuinely curious about that association as well.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Liberals just like to feel warm and fuzzy inside that they are doing something/anything for a given issue even though the poposed solution is a one (left) sided train wreck and really isn't going to help.

    Yeah, I don't think that association is working there.

    Time to quit letting the NRA gun nuts call the shots (no pun intended).

    People in this country are getting tired of being bullied by the NRA and their stupid arguments.

    This may surprise you, but I think the NRA folks are nuts. Despite them asking me 50 times, I'm not a member.

  • BizzyBee

    I think the NRA folks are nuts. Despite them asking me 50 times, I'm not a member.

    Good for you. They are evil.

  • Berengaria
    It has everything to do with it. Liberals just like to feel warm and fuzzy inside that they are doing something/anything for a given issue even though the poposed solution is a one (left) sided train wreck and really isn't going to help. The same tired liberal mantra of gun control is not gonna do here we need a hollistic solution to this problem that involves more than just more gun control.

    Well that was a lot of words saying very little. No one here, right or left has mentioned specifics. So what exactly is this tired old mantra of gun control? Some made up bullshit by right wing talking heads (including NRA leadership) that the rank and file spew?

    Not a single gun supporter has asked what any one on the left here actually has in mind, yet you are all quick to tell us just what we think.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yeah, last time they tried to recruit me, they were telling me about Obama's plan to get all of our guns through his communist state force (really). When I pointed out that, as far I knew, he had only mentioned guns when directly asked and even then he really just mentioned enforcing laws on the books, I was told that was part of his secret plan, to lull gun owners in a sense of complacency and then BAM! his brownshirts would show up demanding our guns based on executive order signed in the dead of night.

    Effing loons.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    This may surprise you, but I think the NRA folks are nuts. Despite them asking me 50 times, I'm not a member.

    Me too. Me neither.

    I like how you tried to dismiss my very valid argument as "NRA Bullying", Bizzy, but as tired an argument as it is, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

    The ONLY way to end gun violence is to eradicate guns ENTIRELY from the face of the earth. As lovely as that sounds, and as great as that would be for global societies, it's never going to happen. What do you propose we do??? I've asked you this question before, with no results. You'd rather just equate me with the ranks of the NRA.

    I think if access to mental health care were easier, or even as easy as obtaining a firearm, things might begin to change. This is where the Affordable Care Act might come into play and some real good.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Not a single gun supporter has asked what any one the left here actually has in mind, yet you are all quick to tell us just what we think.

    As a leftie, I asked myself and had a very reasoned, well thought out response.

  • Berengaria
    Effing loons.

    Pretty smart actually. Every time they do that shit, gun and ammo sales go through the roof. They work for the gun lobby, and they do a great job.

  • Berengaria
    but as tired an argument as it is, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
    Damnit Toots! Who says that is the goal????

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