Man, Mexico is kicking our ass in the homicides-per-gun ratio.
We'll get 'em next year!
by RubaDub 88 Replies latest jw friends
Man, Mexico is kicking our ass in the homicides-per-gun ratio.
We'll get 'em next year!
Since more guns = better protection, I keep asking myself why there is so much gun violence here ???
Good question.
I don't see such violence in Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan and other so-called "advanced" countries.
The stats presented seem to corroborate this. And it doesn't seem any of them are becoming fascist states because the poplulace isn't armed.
What is wrong with us here. If everyone here had 2 guns instead of 1 would that make us safer? Again, what is wrong with us here in the USA?
Questions that as yet seem unanswered
Yes, that is what I meant - any weapon designed for sustained fire. There is no argument anyone can make for having these in civilian hands.
Legitimate uses (e.g. hunting or target shooting) do not require 100 consecutive shots before reloading and anyone claiming otherwise is a pure idiot.
Yes, that is what I meant - any weapon designed for sustained fire. There is no argument anyone can make for having these in civilian hands.
And ther are virtually none IN civilan hands. You already have what you want.
The map displayed by jgnat (Post 18632), showing the rate of firearm caused homocides by country is interesting.
One of the countries with the highest rates of firearm caused homocides is Papua New Guinea (which comes as no surprise to anybody who has lived there, as I have!)
You talk about gun control, in PNG it is extremely difficult to legally own a firearm. Their gun control laws are amongst the most stringent in the world. Yet, as the statistics confirm - and anybody who has lived there would know - it has one of the highest rates of firearms related deaths in the world.
In that country, the "raskols" (i.e. The Pidgin term for criminals) have little difficulty getting their hands on firearms:
- they either make themselves a dangerous but effective 12 gauge shotgun out of a length of 0.75 inch waterpipe, and using as a firing mechanism a piece of bicycle tube propelling a coomercially made bolt.
- otherwise, an M-16 assault rifle or an older FN-100 self loading rifle is not too difficult to acquire from a corrupt police officer (which is most of them) or a cash-hungry soldier in the Defence Force.
Proof, if it were needed, that harsher gun control laws in themselves are not guaranteed to improve matters.
My experience, anyway,
When was the last time an "outlaw" went nuts and shot multiple anonymous innocent people?
I would have to say that makes them automatically an outlaw, but hey, you get the argument for argument's sake award.
And you shall walk away with the purposely obtuse award. My point, as I am sure you know, is that criminals rarely are the cause of this type of carnage. It's damn near exclusively someone who suddenly snaps. We are not talking about criminals getting guns illegally. We are talking about people with mental issues getting guns legally. Like the Virgiina Tech guy, or the Aurora guy. Maybe even the little bastards in Columbine. And apparently, this guy too.
Beks check your PM
Until our borders are secure we will continue to be an easy mark for criminals- wasn't it Cuba that emptied their prisons and put them on the Cuban boat lift?- where they happily went back into the old business they got arrested for in Cuba. You can't ride the trains in Washington DC and be safe from muggers-
Speaking of our nations capitol-- until 2008 you couldn't even own a gun in your own home- now you can with a permit-
"In addition to each handgun being registered with the police, the rules require that D.C. residents undergo a background check and submit fingerprints and photos. Residents must take a gun safety course, and pass a written test on the District's gun laws. For each gun, the police keep a spent shell for a ballistic fingerprinting database. Residents must also declare how the weapon will be used and where it will be kept."
From 1976 until 2008 it was illegal for a citizen to keep a handgun in the home for protection-- what happened to crime rates when the citizens were able to rearm themselves?
Murder and violent crime rates were supposed to soar after the Supreme Court struck down gun control laws in Chicago and Washington, D.C.
Politicians predicted disaster. "More handguns in the District of Columbia will only lead to more handgun violence," Washington's Mayor Adrian Fenty warned the day the court made its decision.
Chicago's Mayor Daley predicted that we would "go back to the Old West, you have a gun and I have a gun and we'll settle it in the streets..."
The New York Times even editorialized this month about the Supreme Court's "unwise" decision that there is a right for people "to keep guns in the home."
But Armageddon never happened. Newly released data for Chicago shows that, as in Washington, murder and gun crime rates didn't rise after the bans were eliminated - they plummeted. They have fallen much more than the national crime rate.
Not surprisingly, the national media have been completely silent about this news."
for those who haven't realized it most horrific gun violence happens in gun free zones. People arent allowed to carry legally in those areas. just like the theatre in colorado, happened in a gun free area/zone. i myself have a number of guns dont hunt but love to go shooting at the ranges. What we never see or almost never see in the press is when a person using a gun protected themselves Why is that, is it because it wont sell papers or support the administrations agenda to have a defenless population?