You didn't call me a Republican, Satanus. Simon did, and it looks like he removed it.
"Right to bear arms" should mean ...
by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics
Yes, I apologize - no one deserves to be called that, lol (and it was stereotyping). I unlocked the topic too.
I disagree that defending the WBC is necessary to have sensible free speech. Your problem is you don't know that there can be limits that aren't absolutes. Having them be absolutes just serves extremists (whether speech or guns). The irony is that the one limit to both typically relates to politics and the government - the one and only thing they were intended to apply.
Of course everything is perpetuated by the legal system for it's own profit.
“We cannot tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end, and to end them, we must change.” ... President Obama
Yeah. I have seen Obama brand change. Good luck.
Unfortunately, tragedies are often needed as a catalyst for change. The deaths of children in an IRA bomb in the town next to ours was the start of the peace process and end to the troubles in Northern Ireland.
At least people should work to make sure some good results from this and future deaths are reduced.
Try, just try to be postive. He said WE, maybe he sees something in himself he needs to change as well.
Low-Key Lysmith
I appreciate the apology Simon. Thank you.
We all want the same thing here. We just have different opinions on how to best change things.
There seems little sense in latching onto the first solution you can think of . . . especially if it won't work.
Sometimes folks just want to feel as if something (anything) is being done, and then they can go back to their lives appeased.
The USA has alarmingly high rates of psychotropic medicating of school-age youths and young adults, pushed hard by big pharma. It's time this was looked at as the rates of both, are not reflected in other developed countries, that also don't have the same level of problems.
I'm not C&P anymore as that's unfashionable . . . so go look it up yourself.
What exactly is the solution that has been thought of here?