"Right to bear arms" should mean ...

by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Why don't you just come right out and say it, Simon?

    It's not necessarily guns that you don't like, it's America as a whole. Just have the balls to say it. You don't like America or its people.

  • Simon

    Yes, I agree - your society is the problem but I see no way to fix that and no hope for it and in the short term, making dangerous* guns less accessible can only help. Heck, if 10 kids were killed instead of 20, things are still fucked up but ... well, it's a start.

    * I know all guns are dangerous, before anyone catches that!

  • transhuman68
    Do some research on Australia and how removing guns from citizens has worked out for them.

    It has worked out o.k. We haven't had a mass shooting since 1996, when the strict gun control laws were passed and the gun amnesty and buy-back occurred.

  • Simon

    I think someone who wants to see *fewer* Americans die could be said to hate them less than those who want to see them all armed and blowing each others brains out.

    But hey, you cling to your 'you hate America' lack of argument when you have nothing else LIKE I SAID YOU WOULD.

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl


    Total collapse of the US would serve the rest of the world right, and I honestly hope it comes.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Simon, can I ask why you locked my thread?

    I'm not a Republican, BTW. Far, far from it. I'm actually more of a libertarian, if you have to pigeon hole me.

    Again, I ask why you felt that my thread should be locked?

  • Simon

    BTW: Don't you think it's a bit arrogant to set yourself up as speaking for the nation and everyone in it? Who put you in control? Why does disagreeing with YOUR opinion make me anti American.

    When I read 'you hate America' I always hear it in the Mary Decker (?) 'Zola Bud tripped me' whiney voice. It's lame.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Not a "lack of argument", Simon. A very valid question that you seem to only want to deflect with more aggressive statements. You call us "idiots" and "clowns" but no, you "care about us and don't want to see us kill each other". Pffft. Riiiight.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    : Don't you think it's a but arrogant to set yourself up as speaking for the nation and everyone in it? Who put you in control?

    Are you talking to me?? If so, please provide an example of where I claim to represent the country.

  • Simon

    It just looked like a copy-paste-fest and I didn't see the need for a separate topic.

    Honestly, I know you think I'm just trying to rile you. I'm honestly not. I just can't comprehend why everyone in America isn't saying 'heck, this has gotten away from us, how the heck did we get to here? Let's make some change happen'.

    How can the right to own a gun supercede the right to a safe and civil society for anyone?

    Talking to American's about gun-control reminds me so much of trying to convince Witnesses of the real truth. You cannot get past a level of indoctrination. Sorry to use that word, I know you'll take it as an insult but that is what it feels like from my side.

    Also, sorry for getting out of sync with the posts - I was trying to type on my tablet and battling the auto-correct.


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