Do People Believe We Are Condemned B/c of Adam and Eve?

by Band on the Run 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Enage with you? I am simply pointing out that this is twice you've claimed an ability or knowledge and twice you've run away when asked to prove it. If you don't wish to discuss these simple facts, I am at a loss as to why you claim a special ability or knowledge on a public discussin forum.

    Have a pleasant evening.

  • hellenback

    Good question . I always asked if god is all seeing ,all knowing blah blah why didnt he see the serpent & stop it ? Its not like he was busy it was his day off . There was no tv he must have been watching adam & eve. Also in my my mind the serpent only told have a lie but then so did god . God said "on the day you eat from the tree in the middle of the garden you will positively die" The serpent said "you positively not die god knows that you will become like him knowing good & bad".

    Did Adam & Eve die ? Yes but not for 930 years. Did they become like God knowing good & evil? yes they found out that God is as Evil As he is good because to punish all your kids for something one did wrong is evil. Also the first murder was to a degree Gods fault by putting Cain & Abel in opposition to each other & then critisizing Cain when he only gave fruit & vedge Not a blood offering as Abel did. Which is also proof that the God Of the Old testament was blood thirsty from the beginning. To me god is a sadistic , Genocidal , egomaniac who makes Hitler, Stalin ,Pol pot & all the other dictators in history look like naughty kids. If the scriptures are to be beleived He will soon wipe out 6billion people because they don't kiss his A** .

  • Skbj

    For sake of argument I'll suppose the story's true .

    What I find also ridiculous in the Adam & Eve's story is they were just forbidden. They were not being informed of what today we call the small print.

    God could have at least told them "Yo if ya'll disobey me, this what's gonna happen: XYZ" but no, they just got told you can't take that, that's mine. Then he let them sin and put the curse afterwards.

    Plus cursing someone that's so gypsy and withcy, that makes me laugh even more.

    Even as imperfect parents we tell kids the consequences of doing something they aren't supposed to, wouldn't you expect it much more from a perfect "Father" as god should be?

    I wonder if had they known the small print would they have still sinned?

  • unstopableravens

    he did tell them gen 2:15-17


    This rotten apple has been done to death.

    No one seriously believes the - I don’t Adam & Eve it - story to be literal. Scholars can’t agree on whether it was written by Moses. As he wasn’t even born at the time these events were supposed to have taken place, place it seems likely that the whole thing was plundered from existing mythology. If you really want to know what happened - track down the original serpent the one called Satan and get him to fess up.

  • unstopableravens

    you cant say nobody does because there are alot of us who do, maybe not here where alot are claiming to be non believers


    unstopableravens "you cant say nobody does because there are alot of us who do..."

    When I said "n o one seriously believes..." I was hinting at the interesting defensive ability the mind has to believe something at one level while knowing deep down that it is implausible. I believe it is called cognitive dissidence. My apologies if you do seriously believe the story to be real.

  • EntirelyPossible

    you cant say nobody does because there are alot of us who do, maybe not here where alot are claiming to be non believers

    Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

  • unstopableravens

    no need to be sorry, trust me the fact that i have commented here close to a thousands times, most about god/ atheisism i have thick skin, im staright with my beliefs so i can take and repect what others think. i think on one hand it may be hard to take literal for others because its not something we see as possible, but i think the same as life happening without a designer that to me is not logicall. so i guess thats why faith is so important.

  • unstopableravens

    ep: nice to hear from my atheist buddy, who is worried about me living forever. i just want to say thanks im glad you care so much for me.

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