doc : how would the wt know how many jw including elders are viewing pornos? i never understand how they can know if these is an issue or not.
Will the 'Make Good Use of Our Official Website' discussion backfire?
by jw07 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've had 61 visits to in the last 6 hours (10 visits per hour) via the keyword "", so they can blunder away as far as I am concerned!!
Actually, on a serious note, I had no idea they were discussing the official website on the service meeting this week. I woke up this morning to find there was a noticeable increase in visits yesterday (Tuesday), which of course is when some congregations have their midweek meetings. The most popular articles over the past 24 hours are the two I've written with "" in the title, and as I've already mentioned, the vast majority of visits were from the keyword "" It will be interesting to see if there's a similar spike on Thursday, which is when the majority of congregations have their midweek meeting. If there is, that may well be convincing evidence that the Society's strategy of drawing attention to their website IS backfiring.
DesirousOfChange, I agree with you on the obvious issues the Corporation is having with the internet.
I also think though that there is now the additional risk of dubs who previously did not give a damn about the computer (computer illiterate and older ones especially) now feeling it is the 'in thing to do' since it's direct orders from the society. With those ones feeling the need to use the internet it opens up the opportunity for greater mistakes to be made from mis-spelling etc. For instance I know quite a few dubs who type the name of the website into the address bar with out the domain extensions (.com, .net, .org etc) and are led to a results page from which they select a link.
I just tried an experiment: I put "jw org" in my address bar, which was automatically handled by Google and returned 3 official and 3 anti dub links.
Forgive me if I'm being naive, but I think this has the potential to wake up many over a long period of time.
What might even be more effective is installing extentions on the computers of not so savy dubs which redirect them to sites like this when they put in :-)
doc : how would the wt know how many jw including elders are viewing pornos? i never understand how they can know if these is an issue or not.
Because many feel guilty and confess; or their wife turns them in. In the past, intentional viewing of any pornography resulted in loss of one's position (although not typically a JC, unless it was long term "practice"). Thus many "normal" Elders/MS had to be relieved of their duties. Of course, many claimed family issues, stress, etc as the reason for no longer serving, but the "real" reason was always reported to the COs and WTS. Thus they had a real idea of what was going on. Surely, they reasoned that for every 1 Elder/MS that confessed, there were 9 more who did not. Thus, the dramatic change on how to deal with an appointed brother who admits to a "problem" with porn.
If the JWs come to my house and direct me to the Internet, my iPad is ready, except the websites I type in aren't on their list!
Hey, look at why I found out about your religion on the Internet! It's at JW-facts- here, take a look and we can talk about about the GB- and what gives with this Sparlock toy?
Congrats Cedars, the fields are white for harvest ;-) hahahaha!
doc i wonder if they have a way of knowing the sites that bethel slaves go on, porn or antiwt ,
unstopableravens I wouldn't be suprised if the internet traffic at bethel branches IS monitored. They are afraid of dissent, especially among the 'higher up' slaves.
crazy, no privacy at all, they ppl come in a clean others rooms so you cant hide anything!