James' ossuary
What evidence is there for Jesus (NOT USING THE BIBLE)?
by punkofnice 139 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
James ossuary is belived to be a forgery, the testimoneus flavius belived to be (partly) inserted later. At any rate it would only demonstrate the christians believed what paulus believed, decades later.
..and this is the best evidence...
Hey! What about my graffitti!
Jgnat: it demonstrate as much about christianity and jesus as the southpark episode about scientology demonstrate about xenu. Ie it only repeat what believers claim.
Hey! What about my graffitti!
It's recognised as one of the oldest evidence that Christ was crucified on a T shape cross.
In terms of evidence for the existence of Christ, it ( The alexamos graffit) shows that as early as the 2nd century ( some say 1st even while others think 3rd) some people worshipped a crucified man as God ( the donkeys head was donw as an insult, not to insinuate a half man half donkey hybrid).
It's recognised as one of the oldest evidence that Christ was crucified on a T shape cross.
No.... it's recognized as evidence that Christian mythology included worship of someone crucified on a T shaped cross, not evidence of any particular real person being crucified.
Band on the Run
A community of followers? Most historical Jesus scholars believe a Jesus of Nazareth existed but there is no accord on what Jesus actually said, taught.
Aside from Roman taunts and martyrdoms, we only know what the later church taught. The Nag Hammadi find, during an Arab-Israeli war, provided documents to show what Paul was arguing against.
It appears that James and Peter were more Jewish than what we today consider Christian.
I've taken a few courses dealing with Christian art. Jesus' depiction changes as the society changes.
Christ Alone
Uh....The claims against the Ossuary were shown to be insufficient in the courts. Lemaire was declared innocent of any type of forgery on the ossuary.
It hasn't yet been fully authenticated, but the evidence was insufficient to prove that it was forged. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Maybe the box contained James' bones, maybe it didn't.
However, even skeptics don't deny that Jesus actually existed. There is debate about who he was and if he said what is credited to Him, but no serious scholar doubts the existence of Jesus.
Most scholars believe Jesus exists, and most scholars believe the inscription on the ossuary to be fake. If you accept one on "most", youy must also accept the other.
Christ Alone
Aside from Roman taunts and martyrdoms, we only know what the later church taught.
No, we know what the early church taught. We have writings from several early church fathers, some of whom may have known the disciples.