moeshe: her mother did exactly what all good JWs are programmed to do, report the sins of anyone ( don't be stupid and try this with good elders or traveling overseers, they will lie!) without political or financial theocratic capital. I would be surprised if her mother did not report her sins to a fab or favorite elder. We know the Watchtower twisted the words found at James 5:16 "Confess your sins to everyone" to mean "Confess your sins to company appointed men".
Finkle's solid advice leaves me grasping what other advice we can add. I was curious if your family is very close knit, how loving and kind are your brothers and sisters? I know there are mothers who are not willing to allow "traditons of men" to overide their Christian and maternal love, is your's this type? If the father in Jesus parable about the "prodigal's son" was legalistic and binded to a group of rules, Jesus never would have brought up how God is ready to forgive sins. Prodigal did not wait six months or two years before he ran and hugged his wayward son, his love and mercy for immediantly felt by the wrongdoer!