LOST IN THOUGHT- I'm sorry you are going through this AND that your mom threw you " under the bus " so to speak with the elders. What decision you make on whether or not to meet the elders is totally up to you. I would imagine it depends on whether or not you can deal with not socializing with any of your JW relatives which may afect your decision making process. As ZED is DEAD said ( hey, that rhymes ! ) If you feel you need to still have contact with JW relatives then crying the crocodile tears and showing " remorse " or " repentance " may be one of the few shots you have at keeping those JW contacts.
However, that being said - it still may be no guarantee that the elders wouldn't DF you if you stated to them that you slept with your boyfriend on numerous occasions. The elders would say you made a " practice " of " sinning " and would DF you anyway because it wasn't a ONE time occurence. So you'd need to tell them that in a moment of weakness that you slept with your boyfriend ONE time only and it won't happen again- THEN you may have a shot at only getting reproved, not DFed. Don't feel guilty if it's a lie- this jerk-off organization has lied to us for years ! Now is not the time to feel " guilty " about your situation- WT Society leaders don't feel guilt about ANYTHING they've lied about. In this scenario you're trying to save any relationship with JW relatives ( if you feel you need to ). So I'm just trying to show you how to do it- but only if you want those relationships.
Otherwise, if you do NOT care about the JW relationships, tell the elders you are innocent, never slept with your boyfriend and you lied to your mom to get attention because you were depressed and that you WILL NOT attend a JC meeting because you aren't guilty of anything . Then tell your mom you lied because you were depressed and tell her you'll see a psychiatrist for your depression. Many people feign insanity in these situations to avoid giving the elders any power or control.
So with either of these methods you may just avoid the DFing thing altogether . Just do the best you can . You probably think I'm insane for explaining in detail these different options, but these options just may work. They have before for some. Depends how hard -a$$ your elder body is. Good luck to you, remember we are here for you to confide in, O.K. ? From one whose " been here, done this " , Peace out, Mr. Flipper