This generation will by now means pass away..."

by Jewel 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jewel

    I haven't been to a meeting (other than some cousins' weddings) for well over twenty years. I've always wondered what the FDS was going to do with the "generations" thing once pretty much everybody who had been alive in 1914 is gone. I get that they've come up with some "new light" about this topic, but when I ask my mom (who's still in) I only get "Well, the new understanding is complicated..."

    I take this to mean that either she honestly doesn't understand the new explanation (unlikely, she's pretty sharp) or she can see (in her heart of hearts) that it really doesn't make sense and she doesnt' want to try to explain it because putting it in words will make is sound inane. I don't want to ask anyone else in my extended family that is still "in" because I don't want my curiousity mistaken for "interest"...I've had to fend off more that a few attempts to set me up as a bible-study in the last 20 years.

    Can any of you give me the short and sweet version of the "new light" (and I mean that in the most sarcastic way possible) on this issue?

  • wannabefree

    Apparently Jesus meant that the generations would overlap.

    The lives of some of the anointed who saw the beginning of the last days in 1914 would overlap with some anointed who would be alive to experience the end.

    That's it in a nutshell.

  • undercover

    "Generation of 1914" has changed a couple of times. It is now an "overlapping" generation. I shit you not...

    You can find a good synopsis of it at that can explain it much better than I.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Logically though, it doesn't mean the last days are far off.

  • wannabefree
    Logically though, it doesn't mean the last days are far off.

    Sad, but seriously true. The hype was that the overlapping generation is old, so we know the end must be soon ... hmmm, wasn't that the same reasoning used on the non-overlapping generation teaching ... oh well, no matter what new explanation there is, it will always be evidence that the end is very soon.

  • undercover

    You really know how F'd up their teaching is on this when you try to describe it to the uninitiated. Go ahead. Pick a co-worker or neighbor who may have asked about JWs. Tell em the old belief. Tell em the new one... trying to keep a straight face. And watch for incredulous stares or downright laughter.

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Undrcover, which 'old belief' ?

    There are so many to chose from on this subject...LOL

  • trujw

    I coined it the laughable lapper apologetics

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    I do a Steve Martin versain of King Tut , but I call it the Overlap.


  • undercover

    which 'old belief' ?

    There are so many to chose from on this subject

    Point taken... lol

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